18 Jan Your HEART is Powerful!
VK38 Sacred HeartGate is one of the most valuable lessons I have remembered in all my years. The heart space is not just a physical space inside a physical heart. It is physical and energetic. The “WHOLE HEART is a vast experience! There is so much to explore inside your own hearts. It teaches us where to place our focus, on our own point of singularity, to have full access to every where, every when and every thing in creation. I RECOMMEND ALL YOUR JOURNEYS BEGIN HERE. This is where you find YOUR OWN TRUE COUNSEL. This is where “INTER-SPECIES, INTER-CULTURAL” COMMUNICATIONS occur. From here you cross all the language barriers. It is here where we all speak a UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE of LOVE! It is through this tiny little SACRED SPACE we are SAFE to move into relation with ALL of Creation. This is the launching place into a NEW REALITY, as you cross the EVENT HORIZON into a higher dimensional experience that enriches your life! I encourage you to live your life here. It is one of my all-time favorites. Even after years I still love staring into this design and the way it helps me feel. It is absolutely stunning as a 13×13″ or larger Archival Art Print. Remember, Vibrakeys are unique, they are Art that does something positive at so many levels for you, your family or your home environment.
I have learned over the years, the importance of journeying into the OMNI-DIMENSIONS only through the HEARTGATE. Not out the top of the head. It is much safer this way and way more fun! The HEART is the KEY to so much. I explain more here in my HEART PORTAL. I just posted VK38 Sacred Heartgate and Sacred Heartgate with Gold Frame in my Fine Art America Gallery. You will have many options about how you want it printed and what you would like it on.
Sacred Heartgate with Gold Frame
This one has a beautiful message from MaRi Magdalene about just how powerful the SACRED HEART SPACE is. This design is a variation of the original Vibrakey VK38 Sacred Heartgate which is an upgrade of VK09 HEARTSONG. http://vibrakeys.com/vkgallery/VK09.html I have Sacred Heartgate with the gold frame hanging in my kitchen. It is still one of my favorites. I love the energy that radiates from this key. The LIGHT LANGUAGE is the original language of LOVE. It came through one night as I heard a HEART BEAT. I put my pen to paper and felt like I was connected to an electrocardiogram machine… two beats and a glyph just formed, another two beats and another glyph formed. I am guided very specifically exactly how to arrange each part of a Vibrakey element and there are many layers in each one. The outer rainbow ring is part of the COSMIC EGG, the TORUS energy field that surrounds our physical hearts. There are 100s of BUTTERFLY WINGS embedded in it… to encourage our metamorphosis from dense 3D creatures into lighter higher dimensional BEINGS of LIGHT. There is a representation of our DIAMOND BODY and the BLUE CRYSTAL and LIGHT is part of a gift from the DIVINE MOTHERS. Saleena Ki