21 Dec Day 9-Mermaid’s Mother Magic
On the 9th Day of Vibrakey LOVEness
My TRUE FRIEND gave to me,
9 Mermaid’s Mother Magic
ALL Women Empowered into INFINITY!
7 Whales a Swimming
a 6 Fold LightBody Bliss Flower
5 Golden Sun Portals
2×2 to the 4th Birds Calling You
333 Triple Triad Trialities, wheeee!…
2 Twin Turtle Islands
& a Vibrakey hanging in a GeomeTree.
Please refer to About 12 Days of Vibrakey LOVEness
to learn about what you can do with your GIFT.
Receive the Mother
I asked my INTUITIVE PODNER, MARIMAR, if he had any idea which Vibrakey I might use for the next VIBRAKEY DAY. He said that it had lots of BUTTERFLIES in it. VK16 Receive Mother was the one! I go back and forth about the MAGICAL BEINGS in this design. Are they FAIRIES or are they MERMAIDS? Today I settled on MERMAIDS, MAGIC and MOTHERS.
What I do know is that this design has to do with YOUR relationship with YOUR MOTHER and how you feel about her. If you are ANGRY or UPSET with her, these old EMOTIONS lodge in the SPLEEN and/or PANCREAS and block your ability to receive FULL NOURISHMENT from the DIVINE MOTHER and the EARTH MOTHER through your SPLEEN and PANCREAS. Your SPLEEN is the organ that receives and helps you ASSIMILATE the right kind of SWEETNESS and NOURISHMENT that your body needs.
Butterfly Beings Deliver their Gift
These ORANGE BUTTERFLIES are the same BUTTERFLIES that deliver the CODE GIFT of a NEW KIND OF FREEDOM from the INSIDE OUT. This GIFT was given to us by a group of BUTTERFLY BEINGS that live in the HIGHER REALMS. The photos of the GULF FRITILLARIES were taken when I lived in HAWAII on the BIG ISLAND, another place that is POWERFULLY INFLUENCED by the MOTHERS, the FEMININE.
VK16 Creation Story
Birthing the Design
It was June of 1999 and I had just finished VK15 Love’s Power . This design supports your Heart-Thymus. I was living in Sedona, Arizona & one of my amazing Wild Women, Goddess friends was getting married. I decided to take the new Vibrakey as a gift for the new couple. This woman, Leslie Dove, is the most amazing actress, singer, storyteller & ceremonialist. She would present amazing plays in her Goddess Temple home. She was very wise about the Goddesses & Feminine Archetypes. She was telling stories and singing in a new kind of Herstory & was blowing our circuits with the power she shared during her performance. This was a one woman show, about the Herstory of certain Goddesses. Her story went in deep as sang & chanted & told the old stories in such new & magical ways.
At the wedding, the happy couple opened the presents. When she saw the new Vibrakey and what it represented, she said if this one is for the HEART & THYMUS, then the next one is for the MOTHERS & connected to the SPLEEN. I asked her if she would like to help me bring in the new design? She heartily agreed. We were both very excited for this!
Receiving the Design
We arranged a day to hike together into the red rocks to a special isolated canyon I loved to spend time in. Water had carved a series of pools in the red, orange and tan sandstone & the rocks were terraced in a step-like fashion that would create wonderful waterfalls & pools when it rained. When we arrived, there were a few pools of water with the Father’s presence felt through the Sun shining in a startlingly clear blue sky. Basking in the warmth, we chose a space on the beautiful red rocks to lay out an altar & dedicated it to the Mothers. Leslie helped by invoking the Divine Feminine & Earth Mother to help us with this new design. As we went through our little ceremony, I sat quietly with my eyes closed. Then I began to see the design & made a simple sketch of it. We were very happy they had responded and Leslie shared our gratitude as only a ceremonialist knows how. That was a beautiful day.
Music Out of the Rocks
A few weeks later, I had hiked back into this same place & was feeling very stressed that day. I lay back in the stillness & began to connect with nature around me. As I relaxed, I began to hear some soft soothing music sung in another kind of language. It seemed to be coming out of the rocks; emerging from the Earth Mother. This is the song I share with you for the Attuning Ceremony. This is the lilting low deep chanting melody that was being to be sung to me;
Receive the Mother!
I always carry a journal with me so I recorded it. I used a phonetic way of writing them, just as it sounded to me. I noticed that these words went into my body very deeply. I felt so loved & nourished. It satiated me. I intuitively knew it was both from Earth Mother & from Divine Mother. Somehow I knew the translation. I felt so loved & soothed & so deeply nourished. I knew this was to be shared with the new Vibrakey. I was so very grateful for this beautiful experience and connection with the Mothers. I knew it was a gift from them to all humanity.
This Day 8 Design Uses the Vibrakey VK16 Receive Mother
VK16 Receive Mother
Key Elements include:
Receive your Mother
Spleen-Pancreas Support
Assimilation & Nourishment
Feminine Nourishment
Divine Mother Energy
Earth Mother Energy
eGuide includes a
Lullaby from the Divine Mother & Earth Mother
Sophia & Pink Diamond Energy
Balances Feminine
Fairies & Healing Fairies
Liver-Gallbladder Support
Clearing Old Root Patterns
Resolve Deep Abandonment Issues
The Job of Mothering
The Job of Mothering within the physical body is done in the Spleen & Pancreas, where we process & assimilate all things that come into our body, including emotions, & where we transport nourishment to the cells. The craving of sweets indicates an emptiness, which I believe came when we separated from the ONE, from SOURCE. This Vibrakey is designed to open the portals to a deeper acceptance of our truest, clearest Mothers. It also assist us in releasing the original sense of abandonment & soothes & heals any scars.
Your own health & wellbeing depends on your ability to receive nourishment and then assimilate it to your body-mind-spirit in such a way your flourish. Your comfort level in any moment is a matter of your being in presence with the truth of who your are within yourself, wherever you are. Any time you are feeling turmoil or anguish you have drifted far from this knowing.
Associating Mother with comfort lies in her willingness to be there for you whenever you ask. If you associate Mother with gentleness, when you are in her presence you are able to release all the judgments and fears you’ve been hanging on to & just BE. Contained in Mother’s loving embrace is an invitation for us all to let go of the struggle.
VK16 Receive Mother helps you let go of anything that blocks you from fully receiving the FREE nurturing and nourishment that constantly flows from both Divine and Earth Mother. The beautiful LULLABY from the Mothers and ATTUNING CEREMONY is included on the back and in the eGuide. A CEREMONY is included to assist you to release yourself from the ORIGINAL SEAL OF ABANDONMENT. Hosted by Divine and Earth Mothers, the Fairies and Healing Fairies.
Order yours NOW & receive another GIFT!
If you order a Laminated VK16 and mention that you heard it from
12 Days of Vibrakey LOVEness Event
I will GIFT you a Transform Your Water Kit.
If you would like a VIBRAKEY FINE ART PRINT please visit my FINE ART AMERICA GALLERY where you can choose your SIZE , MEDIUM and FRAMING. They also offer many PRODUCTS to PRINT your VIBRAKEY upon. IMAGINE Mary Magdalene on your CELL PHONE COVER or wrapping yourself UP with her! If you don’t find the VIBRAKEY you want to order, please CONTACT ME and I will be happy to post it there for you. I am adding VIBRAKEYS as I am inspired.