16 Dec Day 5-Golden Sun Portals
On the 5th Day of Vibrakey LOVEness
My TRUE FRIEND gave to me,
5 Golden Sun Portals
2×2 to the 4th Birds Calling You
333 Triple Triad Trialities, wheeee!…
2 Twin Turtle Islands
& a Vibrakey hanging in a Geo-me-Tree.
Please refer to About 12 Days of Vibrakey LOVEness
to learn about what you can do with your GIFT.
Here is what the VIBRAKEY looks like:
VK100 Ascension Sun
Key Elements include:
Ascension Sun Portal
EYE of the Sol
New Life Code-Seeds
Alcyone-One Great Central Sun
End & Begin
Cycle Reset
5D Time: Hypertime
Crystal Heart of Mother Earth
Order yours NOW & receive another GIFT!
If you order a Laminated VK100 and mention that you heard it from
12 Days of Vibrakey LOVEness Event
I will GIFT you a Transform Your Water Kit.
Last night before I went to sleep I asked for some assistance with designing Day 5’s GOLDEN SUN RINGS… I immediately saw the image of using VK100 ASCENSION SUN to represent the STEPPING SUNS, 5 of them positioned in SPACE with some kind of BLAST of LIGHT/LOVE moving through them… stepping down the ENERGY and INFORMATION from OUR GREAT CENTRAL SUN to the next GREATER SUNS to the next, stepping down the VIBRATION for each dimensional level until it reaches OUR SOL, OUR SUN who sends it on to US on EARTH.
As I am looking for more design elements the idea comes to use the GLYPH given by the AMBASSADORS in
VK45 Sol Dancing Sun
These are some of the qualities of this VIBRAKEY:
White Gold Alchemy
Hypothalamus-Pineal Activation
SUN Knowledge
Great Central SUN
Stepping SUN Corridors
Energy from Sol our SUN
New Sun Code
So that is why I added the RAINBOW LIGHT LANGUAGE GLYPH for you to use. Communications with our Sun leads to more awakening. Learn from our Sun Sol. Align yourself through the glyph given by the Ambassadors for a journey into the Sun’s Living Library and discover what is there for you. VK45 Sol Dancing is an invitation to dance with our Sun. A planetary being we call Sol.
Fear of Our Sun
Much fear has been programmed into us about our Sun. People darken their eyes and protect their skin to block its ray. The ironic thing is that those very rays of sunlight are designed to activate and crystallize your Pineal gland into its higher dimensional abilities and senses. “Communications” and “communion” with our Sun opens us to the next stages of our awakening. This design is offered as a bridge, a portal and a path to lead you step by step into our Sun. Learn from our Sun Sol. By aligning yourself through the Language of Light glyph given by our higher dimensional sister race, the Ambassadors, you begin a journey into the Sun’s Living Library and discover a new world that is waiting there for you.
Powerful for Your Pineal Gland
There is a detailed process from the Hathors & Tom Kenyon for creating White Gold Alchemy in your Pineal gland. This design is double sided so the information is included in the G-45 eGuidebook that offers guidance, creation stories, informative articles and includes an introduction to SunGazing. You begin by going through a process introduced by the Hathors through Tom Kenyon called White Gold Alchemy. It is my honor to introduce you to a beautiful higher dimensional group of beings who are hosting this design; the AMBASSADORS. They are part of a Universe that is a Daughter of our Universe.
If you buy VK45 Sol Dancing there is an eGUIDE that includes all of this and more. You will learn more about them in the eGuidebook. You are guided through a step by step process by the Ambassadors, who fully support you as you interact very consciously with your Pineal and Hypothalamus glands and Sol, to prepare and open you in a way you may then enter, discover, and access the Mysteries of Sol and its Higher Living Knowledge. This is only the beginning of many exciting explorations.
What Our SUN Does
I love this quote by the Pleiadians through Barbara Marciniak in the book “Earth: Pleiadian-Keys-Living-Library”:
“The sun is the governor of your solar system and is the seat of intelligence that rules this particular locale you occupy. The sun reaches into your domain and reads the vibrations as it touches your skin. It is intimately connected with every aspect of life as you know it. It is a force of intelligence that fuels your very existence and creates the environment under which you can evolve. The sun is very interested in your evolution, for as you evolve, you feed everything that you do back to the sun as it touches you.”
Sun – Sol – Solar Connection
We have some cool neat OMNIVERSE THEMES on Vibrakeys,com.
Click on the link above for more about our SUN
If you would like a VIBRAKEY FINE ART PRINT please visit my FINE ART AMERICA GALLERY where you can choose your SIZE , MEDIUM and FRAMING. They also offer many PRODUCTS to PRINT your VIBRAKEY upon. IMAGINE this Wave of PEACE on your CELL PHONE COVER or wrapping yourself UP in it! If you don’t find the VIBRAKEY you want to order, please CONTACT ME and I will be happy to post it there for you. I am adding VIBRAKEYS as I am inspired.