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The Micro & the Macro: Part 1: "What is Happening on Earth and Throughout our Solar System at this Critical Time in Galactic History?"


"It is a matter of life and death that man of Earth begin to grasp quickly these changes that are taking place, and to understand how these changes will affect his own individual future for perhaps millions of years. Man's purpose in experiencing life anywhere in the Universe is to grow in evolutionary experience and to master each phase in his eternal life. And how do we master the third dimensional environment of Earth? First, by getting to truly 'know oneselves' — who we are, what we are, why we are here. Second, by learning to control all aspects of this environment. Third, by understanding Earth and its relationship to what lies beyond the third dimensional environment." Master Teacher andCosmic Christ, Kut Humi from the book  "The Treasures of El Dorado" by Joseph Whitefield


Saleena:  This morning I noticed my clock. It read:

11 02 11

and I wrote it just like this.
Later my attention was drawn to it. It read

11 02 11

I figure it is some kind of codes for the day.

I felt compelled to write today. To weave together three things that all seem significant and interrelated to me. The article got very long weaving them together and took me all day. So I am presenting it in two parts.


1st News of 02-11-2011: The Energies


The first news that came to me this morning as I awakened was an energetic message: Mild Bliss. I sometimes remember to do Bliss Breathing upon awakening, or even simpler, to open myself up to the Universe and invite it into my body. As I opened today the energy was instantly blissful, easy to feel as it permeated me. Some mornings it is heavy. Some are neutral. Today I could touch the higher energies easily.


2nd News of 02-11-2011:
Great Cycle Ends & Begins a New One


The second "news" that came to my attention was an email with this introduction:


 Beloved Friends,
You probably already know that 2012 marks the end of a 13,000 year cycle of ages.  This is also the end of a 26,000 and 52,000 year cycle.  But fewer people know that we are also at the end of a 206 million year cycle!  For a moment, imagine with me what it means, that we are about to begin a new 206 million year Great Cycle Orbit around the Great Central Sun!

This information comes to us from none less than the Ascended Master Kut Humi, as quoted in a wonderful book I have been recommending ever since I first read it in 1983 – The Treasure of El Dorado.  The book, by Joseph Whitfield, is a true story of Joseph’s ecstatic and life-transforming experiences with various Ascended Masters in the 1960s and 70s.  Yet what he shared therein is even more relevant today than it was then.


 And,  Avatar Sri Bhagavan in Golden City, India, said that there are


 “13 steps to a great shift in human consciousness. So, we are through eleven steps, eleven steps have been covered. The 12th one commenced on November the 3rd (2010) and is likely to end on February the 10th. The 13th and the last and final step until 2012 will be commencing on February the 11th, 2011.”  So, today, Welcome to the last and final step!


With Love to Infinity, Taansen
11 February 2011   Transcendental Fellowship


Saleena: So
and what an amazing way this day
has aligned to reflect this!


Here is part of a November 21, 2010 transcript from a live video where Sri Bhagavan is giving a Skype Darshan in which Bhagavan spoke on the history of the Oneness Phenomenon and what is to come in 2011 and beyond. He first talks about some unexpected experiences they had in a school for children they created. Then He describes what the 13 Steps are:


"…..around 200 children in the age group of 10 to 15. Most of the children very spontaneously moved into higher states of consciousness without anything being done. They were seeing their past lives. They had out of body experiences. They used to fly home and see what their parents were doing. They used to talk to trees and strange phenomena like the clouds following the children, children talking to God, the gods that were worshipped in their homes.


So all kinds of things very naturally happened, and they also became very naturally healers. Nobody taught them anything, they could heal themselves, heal others. So many such things very spontaneously happened. This phenomenon later grew into what we now call the Oneness Deeksha or Oneness Blessing as it is known is many countries of the world.


So what is this Deeksha?
The Deeksha is essentially a
transfer of Divine Energies which
in turn awakens the kundalini,
and the kundalini in turn brings about
changes in the brain as a consequence
of which there occurs
God Realization
sometimes both.


Along with the rise of the phenomenon also several revelations were received. These revelations gave a road map as to what was going to happen to the phenomenon, as well as, to the world. We have been strictly following and going according to these revelations and more or less it has happened according to the revelations.


The revelations spoke of 13 steps to a great shift in human consciousness. So, we are through eleven steps, eleven steps have been covered. The 12th one commenced on November the 3rd and is likely to end on February the 10th. The 13th and the last and final step until 2012 will be commencing on February the 11th.


Now, what are these revelations? Let's have a look into them. The phenomenon began in '89. That was a year when many things happened: The fall of the Berlin Wall, the fall of communism, strange events in China and many parts of the world whose effects are still being felt on the world at large.


The revelations were that
1989 was the year when the
New Age was conceived,
conceived in the womb,
and it said
13 steps later a child would be
delivered sometime between
October 28th and December 21st , 2012.

So, it's about 23 years in the womb
and the delivery time is almost from
October 2011 to December 2012.


Now, what happens when this child is delivered? According to the revelation a large number of people would be awakened by the end of 2012. How large? The revelation says anything between 60,000 and 70,000 people would be awakened across the planet. What happens next? Now, in 2012 the New Age has taken birth. It's a small child and then it begins to grow. And by 2035 this child is able to walk and talk.


According to the revelation,
there will be
great inner transformation
from the time of
delivery of the child,
that is in 2012 to 2035,
there will be a great awakening
happening in human consciousness,
a lot of inner transformation
will be happening.

This period we normally call
Satya Yuga or the birth of Satya Yuga.


From 2035 onwards begins the Golden Age. What happens is this inner transformation then brings about changes in the external world. For example, by 2035 there will be no poverty on the planet. Wars and conflicts could have ceased. The environment will be very, very clean. People will be filled with unconditional love and unconditional joy.


There will be tremendous transformation
in all aspects of human life.

There will be changes in the
way people are governed,
in the way they are educated,
in the way they work.

Every field of human activity
will be touched,
will be transformed.


So from 2035 begins the Golden Age, and then it goes on to reveal what happens in the next 1,000 years.


By 2035 most of humanity is awakened and the Golden Age commences, a few centuries later, we find that the human body is re-structured. Right now the body is about 8 times the length of our head, but that would become 9 times. That's the first change we notice. All this come as revelations in clear pictures. One can see as though one were there, and even now it could be seen when you go through a very advanced process. You can see all these things, all that I'm speaking about. These are based on real experiences which anybody could have.


And then a few centuries later we notice we do not have any more of this distinction of male or female. It looks as though man has become bi-sexual, both male and female. And a few centuries later we notice is we see no buildings, no factories, nothing in fact. We see the whole Earth is a beautiful garden, very, very clean. It's more like Heaven on Earth. People are there, but they do not seem to be working or consuming food the way we do. It looks like they're absorbing from nature all that they want.


Hence, there's no need to work or to have any organized structures in human society.

When they do want to travel they 'hang' their bodies on branches of trees and they move around in their consciousness, go wherever they want, and again materialize and talk to people, do whatever they want and again return. Very much like what Amma Bhagavan do very often, they seem to be doing similar things. That's about 1,000 years from now.


So there is a tremendous
activation of growth
starting with 2012.

It grows exponentially
in terms of consciousness
as also in terms of technology.

Amazing technology will be in place.

Most of today's technologies
will be dead and gone and

new technologies would take their place.
Amazing technologies which would also
help man rapidly grow in his consciousness.


They would not be opposed to each other,
in fact they might become
complementary to one another.


So that's how revelations came through. Very clear pictures of what's going to happen. And now for example it said there will be a shift in consciousness on November the 3rd . It exactly happened like that…" For More


Here is a little more about Sri Bhagavan and the Oneness Movement: "They envisioned a world wherein conflicts and suffering no longer exist, where every individual is naturally a global citizen, concerned with all of life and lived in peace, happiness and harmony."  " His extreme passion to end human suffering enabled him to look deeper and deeper into the reality of all human existence, only to see how helplessly humanity is driven by the mind and its fears and how all of this is ultimately neurobiological in nature." 


Taansen also included this Quote:   


 "Man first began to experience life in our solar system 206 million years ago, at the beginning of the present Great Cycle Orbit. The Divine Plan is for all human life within our solar system to achieve at least the awareness of cosmic consciousness by the end of this orbit which is reaching its conclusion now with the end of the Piscean Age. This means that man of Earth must immediately become aware of what cosmic consciousness is and take the necessary steps to raise his individual level of consciousness to that state of awareness. Failure to do so will result in self destruction! Man of Earth, in his present state, simply cannot tolerate the new incoming vibration.


"Within this Great Cycle Orbit, there have been a number of lesser cycles. When the Atlantean civilization failed to reach its development potential, this left only the 26,000 year minor cycle of the zodiac to complete the Plan. As the present Piscean Age draws to a close, this 26,000 year cycle, concurrently with the Great Cycle Orbit, comes to an end.”



And here we are right at this transition time!
Awakening or Enlightenment
is now a more
common topic and occurrence.

Look around you & see what is happening…



"All cultures and traditions
throughout recorded history
speak of a process of awakening,
enlightenment, or union with the Divine—
a return to the
“natural state” of the human being—
where the heart is open,
where there is an immense feeling
of connection with others
and the natural world, and where
we are able to perceive reality as it is,
without the conditioned filters and
unceasing interpretations
of the ancient mind.


What we have seen, not unlike many ancient cultures and civilizations, is that there exists a dormant spiritual energy within the human being which, when activated, catalyzes the awakening process. In the Indian tradition, this energy is known as the kundalini. The kundalini is seen to travel through various energy centers within the subtle body of each human being. While referred to by a variety of names cross-culturally, these focused centers of energy are referred to in India as the chakras or the chakra system.


This process of awakening the human being to its natural state involves the activation of this kundalini– this spiritual energy– as well as a balancing of the various energy centers in the subtle body. When the kundalini is activated and the chakras are balanced, we return to a very ordinary, simple, yet extremely profound relationship with life. Our senses are open and functioning clearly, our heart is open and we feel so connected with others, and we find ourselves in a natural and beautiful relationship with what we might call the Divine, God, or with the higher Self or intelligence of the Universe. We have a deep and profound sense of trust in life, we are comfortable with ourselves and others, and are finally living as opposed to merely existing.


As a result of this beautiful condition,
we naturally and effortlessly
affect those around us—
helping them to flower in their lives
according to their
own unique expression




Continue to:

The Micro & the Macro: Part 2:
What Can the Tunisian & Egyptian
People’s Actions
Tell Us About ALL OUR LIVES?”


About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!

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