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How Disclosure Is Already Changing Our World


“Again and again in history some people wake up. They have no ground in the crowd and move to broader deeper laws.

They carry strange customs with them and demand room for bold and audacious action.

The future speaks ruthlessly through them.

They change the world.”
-Rainer Maria Rilke

These people are us. They walk among us now. You are most likely one of them. I am one of them. It is time, every day, every moment we are breathing, to make choices that WILL CHANGE OUR WORLD. We know how to do this.

Disclosure is a HOT TOPIC right now. It is a path that will lead us out of the darkness secrecy control and manipulation we have experienced on this PLANET EARTH for a very long time. The time is NOW! DISCLOSURE is already happening if you look & listen in the right places. People have been forced to keep important secrets, important because what is happening is affecting our lives in ways we haven’t been aware of. What is being suppressed can completely change our lives; heal us, clean up and repair our environment, stop the devastation that has been perpetrated on our EARTH, our HEALTH and our RELATIONSHIPS, and FREE US from the control and manipulation agenda. There are those who really don’t want that to happen, so they have methodically and powerfully trained us to think and act like we are victims, powerless to do anything about it all.

We ARE POWERFUL CREATOR BEINGS who have the abilities built into our BODY/MINDS/SPIRITS and we can CHANGE EVERYTHING if we WAKE UP, PLAY TOGETHER and RE-IMAGE our REALITY. This is a quote from an event coming up, Dimensions of Disclosure.  Even if you miss this event, I feel it is a timely DECLARATION for the REALITY we want now and we can embrace and fan the flame into OUR NEW REALITY by VOTING YES for this, for FULL DISCLOSURE, not some watered down version that will take 100 years before the fullness is revealed to us.

“As truth seekers and awakening beings, we have broken through the veils of deception and have found that intelligence, clarity and authenticity is expanding our understandings.

The old paradigm that created a story line of oppression and lies has ended.

It is through our will that we courageously seek the truth about hidden technologies, systems of control, spiritual evolution and consciousness raising.

Awareness has created an ever expanding unity in the collective.  Creating a common-unity. We are that collective. We are becoming one in the Consciousphere.

As our collaborative brilliance folds into this powerful energy of creation, we bravely embrace the UNFOLDING TRUTH of FULL DISCLOSURE while celebrating the axiom of discerning wisdom, the abundance in unity and the ever present frequency of love.

Our collective force acts as one heart beat that will persevere with determination as we demand and embrace the many facets of Full Disclosure, while expanding our consciousness individually and therefore, collectively.

The common unity of awakening is widening.

We welcome all to the Dimensions of Disclosure.”


“When you have been lied to for so long — in fact, born into a world where all you’ve ever known is lies — it can be very difficult when the truth finally appears.

It’s almost like a person who has been locked in a room their whole lives, never allowed to see the outside world, finally being set free.

There are plenty of movies, television shows, video games and the like that have prepared us for the type of cosmic disclosure that Emery Smith is bringing to the table.

However, for most people there is still an enormous difference between enjoyable science fiction movies and the idea that this stuff is actually true.

There is a level of UFO secrecy that goes far above the US military, the highest generals, even the Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces.

What we are calling the Deep State is in possession of far, far greater secrets than most could ever even imagine.”

quote from  ET Autopsy Insider Emery Smith Hit With Massive Attack After Coming Forward


If you are ready for the TRUTH, for a dive into FULL DISCLOSURE here are some of my favorite resources to begin with:

I feel like this GREAT SOLAR FLASH has been designed into our reality by CREATOR or the UNIVERSE, or whatever you like to call them, as a reset measure to free us from some negative forces that are in process of striping away humanity of all our rights and usefulness on Earth. The information is stunning, somewhat difficult to hear for the first time and worth knowing. It actually gives HOPE that there is a powerful way out of the mess we have been part of co-creating. BEING INFORMED is much more powerful than continuing to stick our heads in the sand and ignore what is happening. That is why I have listed this as the first link.


– David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Emery Smith and many more brave souls sharing their experiences.

There are 100s of episodes over the last few years. We have watched nearly every episode and have been gradually more and more amazed as the information gets deeper. For the last several months, the new episodes have really cracked open details we were unaware of. Some of it makes us squirm and takes some time to process. No matter how difficult FULL DISCLOSURE is, I agree that it is really the only way to FULLY FREE US and get us on track to RECREATE our REALITY/WORLD into a SAFE, CREATIVE, COOPERATIVE, and AMAZING place to live.

Cosmis Disclosure airs on Gaia TV with a minimal subscription under $10 a month. It is well worth the investment, plus so many other amazing programs are offered. Gaia doesn’t sensor the TRUTH TELLERS so it is very informative, amazing, earth shattering and sheds light on what has really been secretly going on and what is happening to change it. Also there is much shared about all the ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY that already exists, and is being used by a few that will assist millions when it is released to us, the PUBLIC. It is amazing to meet the BEINGS who share life in our GALAXY and already interact with and have assisted us on EARTH throughout our history, which by the way has been suppressed and changed.

So if you are ready to start hearing and shaping your life around the TRUTH, you can also read:


on Corey’s website.


– Corey Goode Intel Reports


– David Wilcock



About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!