Activation Arcturians ASCENSION PROCESS Belees Call to Action Channeled Message Earth Changes Energy Weather Report Expanded Views Galactic Event Higher Dimensional Contact Inner Work Invitation-Activity Lightwork-Lightplay New Mother Earth New Reality Skill Ongoing World Service Activity Participate Process Real Life Story Story USEFUL TECHNIQUES Vibrakeys World Event



There is a Planetary Call being offered to

ALL Earth Humans

to assist with a

MASSIVE Movement of Energy

Before the Spring Equinox

The Request is Simple

You are being asked to become a

Human Portal





Massive Movement of Energy to flow

into you, through you and out into the Earth Plane

so whatever needs to shift

before the Spring Equinox can shift.

Who is Asking?

BENEVOLENT Source through the

Angelics in behalf of ALL Creation.

Why is this Important? 

I will let Belees, the Arcturian explain: 


Message to Humanity from Belees:
Invitation to Help
Move Massive Amounts of Energies

The Final Key

2011-02-27 through Saleena Ki 


Belees:  Dearest Saleena, so much is happening so fast. I am happy we are able to support you and the "Team" to do all the things you have prepared yourselves to do. I know at times your earth-mind is feeling somewhat curious about how all this can be? How do you know the things that you know? How did you know what was going on so easily without any forethought. It seems as if it is going on in spite of you. Like it is all prepared and set off in another place and you are just witnessing it through a window like a movie.


This is true for many of you right now. There are many who have contracts and missions that take them to meetings and councils and aboard our ships at night when they sleep. Many of you have more than one soul part that is participating and once in a while they all converge to co-create something prepared in another place you can't remember from here or you may vaguely remember. When it is happening, playing out, it does usually have a familiar feeling to you and that is why you participate.


It is a very intense and exciting time on Earth. so many actions are planned to ease your Mother Earth through her transition without totally destroying all of you on her surface. To support you if you want to take advantage of this unique time of alignments and energies that support you to ascend. It is true there is an opportunity for a mass ascension at this time. There is a massive amount of energy that needs to move at many levels and very quickly. There are too many levels to explain right now. It is sufficient to know that it is happening and very strongly right now.


We are extending an invitation to 

ALL of you to participate.

We have received a symbolic gift

from our BENEVOLENT Source Creator

and it is given in a form you can "read."


It was delivered to Saleena so she could create a version of it with the accompanying energies and elements so you could receive them, touch into them, for the art design is a bridge to the Source energies that sent it.


It is called The Final Key because it is the final glyph or light language symbol in a series that was given to the Earth from beyond our Beloved Source.


This started back before 10-10-2010 and came through in a sequence of events and streams of coded information flowing through portals or stargates, the first flowing through the Pleiadian 7 Sister Star System and then through the Regulus Star Portal.



Saleena created a series of Stargate art designs last year and the beginning of this year that reflect these energies and information. Their team took some of you on Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventures to receive the energies and gifts at the time. They recorded the journeys and they are still a great series of steps to go through for yourself  especially to unhook from the old fear-based grid and reconnect to your Higher BENEVOLENT Self and BENEVOLENT Source.


What is BENEVOLENT RE-Connection;
What is in it for YOU?


There have been some very strong teachers

here on your planet controlling you

for a very long time.


It is time for them to be fully released.


Events occurred the evening of the

26th of Feb. Hawaiian Time that

fully disconnected the root of this power

and it was escorted officially to

another place by many of our ships.


Saleena Note: Now Posted:  

2011-02-26 Release of the Red Dragon and Magic Spells from the Earth Grid and Birthing of Something New in
Mother Earth


This event was made possible by what is

occurring in all your hearts and minds on Earth.


The series of peaceful and determined revolutions

all around your planet spoke to us all,

those who are watching and assisting you,

in a very strong ways,

that you are ready to be set free.

That it is your choice. 


This is what ALL of CREATION has responded to.


The root of the controlling faction is removed.

The spell they installed is broken.


The Earth's grid is repairing and

the opening is NOW HERE for you to 

truly birth your new version of Earth.


Together you are all co-creating it.


Manifestation is strong and quick now.


Events you set in motion

move rapidly to their outcomes.


Be clear on what you want.

It will move into being now very quickly.



The gift of The Final Key is to

assist in the CLOSURE of a very long play on

Your Planet Earth Stage.


We need your assistance to move massive amounts of energy into, through and out of the Earth plane. You might say that a massive "house cleaning" of old energies, beliefs, habits and beings must move. If you continue to do it the way you have learned to, and it has been effective and rather tedious, you will miss some very important windows of aligning energies that will help you take the new Earth quickly into manifestation.


What is being offered is an opportunity

for you to become a HUMAN PORTAL 

for these energies to move through.


While in service as this,

your own "house" will receive

a rather strong cleansing.

You will be able to let go of

and release so very much

you will be new when this is finished.

So will your home; your Earth.


The main thing that is

blocking this movement is judgment.


Polarizing what you see and experience as this or that... the example was given that as you experience something; an event, a feeling, something comes to your attentions, the habit of the mind wants to polarize it, categorize it and polarized thinking is what this Earth game was all about. So your mind judges it to be "good" or "bad" depending on your current beliefs. You judge it to be acceptable or not acceptable. To be righteous or evil. To be dark or light. Polarized thinking is a strong long practiced habit.


We are all being offered the opportunity

to have a new experience for a few weeks;

to practice holding everything happening

in as neutral a place inside us as possible.


Give it a chance with this experiment.

Try it out.

First OPEN your heart.

OPEN your perspective.

OPEN your mind.



As you are able to hold whatever you are

feeling, thinking, experiencing in the moment in


it just to


the energy that is around it or in it can move.

And as we said, for Earth to be where it can be

for the most amazing things to happen

by the Spring Equinox,



When you judge anything, it gets stuck, energetically. Stops the movement. This can cause pain and tension in your bodies, if it is something inside you. It can cause events to go much slower than they could if they were freed to move through. This is a learning process, a remembering of something you all already know about in some part of yourselves.


Many of your greatest Light Masters

that came to Earth taught this.

Resist judgment.

Not because it is evil… 

because it stops progress,

it stops energy from moving.


This has caused some massive amounts

of jammed up energies all over and in your planet.


You will all be surprised and delighted

at the results that can occur

if many of you are willing to do this

for the next few weeks.


Of course you have to trust your own feelings

through opening your heart.

This will tell you if this invitation is

resonant with you.


I will let Saleena share with you the words that came when she received it. She and her team have experienced a series of events that have brought this Key into the Earth plane and prepared it for you. It is time to present it to you and to extend the invitation.


We are asking her to give what she prepared freely (the art and the information) to any of you who will participate and we are asking you to be open hearted and caring and share something back with her and her team. Donations of any kind are appreciated.

We do not use money where we are yet you still do on Earth. That may be changing eventually. So please check in and make a contribution to show your appreciation and gratitude for the time and efforts they all put in to make these kinds of opportunities and offerings available to you.

She is squirming a bit about this and this is what I am asking her to share with you. I am asking her to



I am asking her to make it easy for you to

make a donation,

a love offering

or an

energy exchange. 



Thank you for hearing me. I am Belees, the Arcturian sharing with you in behalf of the Greater Federations and Councils ready to support this massive movement as you open and allow the energies to move.



If you choose to participate: 



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About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!

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