Aloha Beloveds, Patricia Cota Roble’s latest message
contains some powerful downloads to assist us in starting our new year in our New Universe with wonderful ease & grace!
The 31st is going to be another powerful alignment with a BLUE MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE & an opportunity to download what we desire into this new Universal matrix.
“The Beings of Light have revealed that this is going to be the most significant New Year we have experienced since our fall from Grace millions of years ago. This is a vitally important time for all of us to empower what we want to cocreate in our individual lives and on this planet. Not only will our hopes, dreams, visions, and Divine Intentions be expanded a thousand times a thousandfold by the Company of Heaven, they will be exponentially expanded by the tremendous influx of Light we will experience on that sacred day.” from 2010, A POWERFUL NEW YEAR!
We are aligning all our activities to assist in the co-creation of a new reality in this brand new space & sharing some of our personal adventure while we went through the download process.
I am posting this article woven with our personal adventure as we did the downloads & including our insights, experiences & additional program suggestions. I will change the color and make a note of who said it to identify the source.
If you would like to read the full article without our interwoven comments, please visit The Magic of Being .
These downloads are very similar to what Marimar, Colin & I have been sharing through Sophia, Moreahl & the new Universal Logos we call the Golden Child. You can read more about the birthing process here: 12-25 Portal of Love: Announcing the Birth of a New Universe!
Much thanks to our friend Merlyn Mahalo for all the wonderful messages he passes on to us: Here is the message we received along with the article: Aloha Beloveds…….These are exciting times !!!!! Take a few minutes for yourself to invoke & download “The New Technology Of The Violet Flame” Wishing all of you the best year ever! Hau’oli Makahiki Hou Merlyn
Saleena Note: We experience everything from very serious meetings and councils to playful fun learning to navigate different dimensions and places. Sometimes the beings we meet are higher dimensional aspects of ourself; another part of our soul’s expression. Sometimes they are new beings we are just getting to know. Often we return home and all the next day we expereince bodily changes as we shed the old denser forms and beleifs. Our understanding of Creation is certainly expanding and we feel we are making a difference by approaching every situation with an open-hearted focus. We are also helping to raise the quality of Earth’s reputation in the bigger Galactic community.
The format of our Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventures are from a transcript taken from a Skype Chat. That is why it includes time signatures & what we fondly call odd “Skype language.” I would rather share it than spend all day editing it so here you go! Enjoy!
2009-12-28 Ignite our New Universe-Reality
Our New Universe Chat: Download Programs-Aligning to new Universe-Warrior of Dark-Hero of Light. Sophia, Saleena, Moreahl, Colin, Logos, Marimar, New Archangel, Elohim…Birth of VK66
Participants: Sophia, Saleena, Moreahl, Colin, Logos, Marimar
[12/28/2009 8:20:34 PM] Magical Colin says: Aloha Saleena, How are you today? [12/28/2009 8:24:44 PM] Magical Colin says: I’ve been reading the Hathor exercises from Tom Kenyon and am feeling quite good, we’re doing things that Ascended Masters do… [12/28/2009 8:24:48 PM] Saleena Ki says: Here is Marimar’s report… “When I got up this morning I felt as if cells were hatching out of some old crinkly confines… My brain goes in and out of the new universe…like a roller coaster… rises up to clarity then sinks back down into wave of sleepiness….whoops there it goes again… I am going to lie down awhile….” He rolls back his eyes and flops on the couch… he has been there alot in the last week or so… since the new universe was birthed… seems this is more challenging on some than others… I remember Sophia saying it might be that way…. [12/28/2009 8:30:22 PM] Magical Colin says: Is there anything we can do to help or is this just something that happens and is expected. Like normal under the circumstances… [12/28/2009 8:31:20 PM] Saleena Ki says: well, I suggested he check in with us and see if there is anything we could do to ease it… he sighed and sort of went out…. maybe he will join us here before we are done…. [12/28/2009 8:31:36 PM] Saleena Ki says: we can ask if there is any understanding or anything we can do?Love being a team…
[12/28/2009 8:41:38 PM] Magical Colin says: Breathing our connection with the new, especially where we were yesterday, seem to be drawn back there… [12/28/2009 8:42:44 PM] Saleena Ki says: I would like to know who the “monks” are…. we sure accepted a lot from them without asking who they are…..are we naive or know more than we can remember?Saleena Note: We met some very amazing etheric beings yesterday and received some brand new upgraded parts for our bodies. They were very tall (20 feet?) white skin, white robes and lead us to a beautiful place to do the work we were there to do.
We meet many new beings as we explore. We seem to know most of them at some level, even though our earth perceptions may be wondering who they are, some part of us knows them. We always intend that all our interactions are in the highest alignment of each of our soul’s highest purpose & mission. If we ever have doubts, we check in before interacting.
[12/28/2009 8:47:08 PM] Magical Colin says: Can feel the team who were helping yesterday, especially can feel them working in my cells, they say this is what they are doing with us three, very high activation, impacting each of us differently depending on our need and the energy we portray…Saleena Note: I feel like many will be getting set up in their bodies and energies to work with new energies and new beings as this New Universe comes more and more into form.
[12/28/2009 8:47:57 PM] Saleena Ki says: I am feeling pretty “normal” and new today…. very alert and energetic… creative…. [12/28/2009 8:51:48 PM] Magical Colin says: Do you get anything about the monks? They seem very present still, seem to be working at a different frequency or level to the A team ( Arcturian Team), complementing their work somehow… Working together [12/28/2009 8:55:49 PM] Magical Colin says: Moreahl had just whizzed in, he’s showing me how this team is helping us become more at one… Sudden bliss… [12/28/2009 8:56:27 PM] Saleena Ki says: okay more fully joining now…had a little finish up to do…. [12/28/2009 8:56:37 PM] Saleena Ki says: feeling the energy rising now…. [12/28/2009 8:59:06 PM] Magical Colin says: Feels like they are vibrating the codons like crazy… Opening… Yes please… Reaching to touch your hand and Marimar’s…Saleena Note: We were first introduced to Codons when MaRi Magdalene and JeSu began giving me a new Crystal Seeding process in 2003. The Most recent highest codes for these Christ Crystalline Consciousness are represented in two of my latest Vibrakeys VK58 Crystal Seeding and VK59 Venus Earth Portal
[12/28/2009 8:59:50 PM] Saleena Ki says: okay…getting a hot hot spot in my liver… whew! [12/28/2009 9:01:06 PM] Saleena Ki says: May I know who you are? The tall white robed beings…. [12/28/2009 9:01:17 PM] Saleena Ki says: reaching out to you… and Marimar…. [12/28/2009 9:02:04 PM] Magical Colin says: Can feel a hand on the back of my head, activating something there… [12/28/2009 9:02:10 PM] Saleena Ki says: someone runs in and hands me a scroll, a messenger… then runs off… they do have sense of humor…seem to be humoring me….yes I have felt a pressure there today and last night…Saleena Note: We all seem to be going through so many different physical sensations & symptoms with all these dimensional changes and every time the new energies shift us up a notch into a higher vibration. we seem to have to let go fo the lower vibrations.
[12/28/2009 9:03:12 PM] Magical Colin says: I can feel how much they love you… Sooo much…. [12/28/2009 9:03:47 PM] Saleena Ki says: looking at the scroll, do I open it? ……..Yes…. so I am unrolling it and it is very very very long…. placing one end under your foot and still unrolling it… narrow like about 6 inches…. so very very long… I am waving at you from over here and still unrolling…. LOL what is this? [12/28/2009 9:04:41 PM] Magical Colin says: The energy I feel from them reminds me of the White Dolphins, very ‘activation’ oriented… Very close to source… [12/28/2009 9:05:29 PM] Saleena Ki says: feels like something to do with what Patricia Cota Roble wrote… the download programs from the Causal Body of God [12/28/2009 9:05:51 PM] Magical Colin says: What’s on the scroll, can’t quite read it… [12/28/2009 9:06:29 PM] Saleena Ki says: As I read her article today I knew we had something to do to connect them to the newer energies of the new Universe… she is suggesting these are done before or on the 31st…. Well get someone to hold your side… how about your dragon? He can sit on that side and you “read” them the way you do…Saleena Note: Vega is a dragon that was born on one of our adventures and he shows up here and there to help. He loves Colin! We have worked with different dragon clans here & there and seem to be related to some. I have always loved dragons! the dragons in the new movie AVATAR were amazing! I could feel myself flying with them…
[12/28/2009 9:07:32 PM] Saleena Ki says: someone says we need to invoke alignment to the new archetypes in the new Universe… [12/28/2009 9:07:42 PM] Magical Colin says: Mmmm yes, that’s what the Children of the Sun are focusing on for the blue moon on New Year’s Eve… [12/28/2009 9:07:58 PM] Magical Colin says: And we are children of the Sun…. Ok, sounds good, does this answer who the monks are tho… [12/28/2009 9:09:56 PM] Saleena Ki says: okay, they want us to take the channeling or message from her and read it…while you are reading and releasing the codes…. yes who sent these? …no haven’t got answer yet… just more assignments… please…who are the monks? One is reaching out and picking me up again… pressing his forehead to mine…. [12/28/2009 9:11:02 PM] Saleena Ki says: same one that was with me yesterday…. why do I trust everything they did and do? I already know this is part of my soul…. he is smiling… These are Elohim….we are….yes… they are….we are…. He is smiling bigger…. [12/28/2009 9:12:40 PM] Magical Colin says: Soooo much love… [12/28/2009 9:13:39 PM] Saleena Ki says: I am smiling too… he is so much bigger than me as a human!!! Yes so much warmth and love…. I feel so at ease being picked up by this large being and receiving all this new for my body…. It seems to have integrated in easily…. [12/28/2009 9:14:14 PM] Saleena Ki says: I see myself posting line by line of the article as you read the scroll.Begin the Arcticle: “On December 31, 2009, we will experience a BLUE MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE. The Beings of Light have revealed that this is going to be the most significant New Year we have experienced since our fall from Grace millions of years ago. This is a vitally important time for all of us to empower what we want to cocreate in our individual lives and on this planet. Not only will our hopes, dreams, visions, and Divine Intentions be expanded a thousand times a thousandfold by the Company of Heaven, they will be exponentially expanded by the tremendous influx of Light we will experience on that sacred day.”
[12/28/2009 9:15:41 PM] Magical Colin says: Ok, am running my hands over the scroll, breathing, slowly, gently, calm…Article: “These gifts of Divine Intervention will expand in power and might until January 14, 2010. On that day, we will experience an incredibly powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse. During the Solar Eclipse, the patterns of perfection we have empowered will be permanently sealed in the highest frequencies of vibration possible. From that moment forth, they will build in momentum daily and hourly. When our visions reach a critical mass, an unstoppable shift will occur that will bring our cocreations into manifestation.
It is important for all of us to go within our hearts to see what our I AM Presence is guiding us to empower in our individual lives. We can also join together to invoke the Light on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this planet. The Company of Heaven has given us wonderful and very powerful tools to help us reprogram ourselves. I would like to share one of them with you now. This exercise will help us to release the fragmented and fear-based thoughtforms from our lower human egos. It will help us to give our I AM Presences, full dominion of our lives.”
[12/28/2009 9:19:18 PM] Magical Colin says: These codes are activating more of my connection to Moreahl, such a deep connection, can feel right through into his realm, seem to be drawing love and light from there for this activation.. Combining it with yours/Sophia’s. Codes are going so deep, crying now with joy [12/28/2009 9:20:33 PM] Saleena Ki says: Hadn’t felt her, Sophia, specifically yet…. wondered…. Asking my I AM Presence what to empower in my individual life? [12/28/2009 9:20:58 PM] Saleena Ki says: Clear Manifestation abilities… someone suggests…. My heart is stretching wide open now… so much love for all humanity… for Mother Earth…. and compassion for all we have experienced… [12/28/2009 9:22:17 PM] Magical Colin says: Can feel everything I need being drawn towards me, everything we need… like a magnet into the heart of All That Is that we are. [12/28/2009 9:22:42 PM] Saleena Ki says: getting a little dizzy… small wave…. I feel like a Mother loving her children…..yes please…. more than I think I need… everything to step up to the next level of our offerings our gifts to assist ascension… and creation of this new reality….Article: “We can also join together to invoke the Light on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this planet. The Company of Heaven has given us wonderful and very powerful tools to help us reprogram ourselves. I would like to share one of them with you now. This exercise will help us to release the fragmented and fear-based thoughtforms from our lower human egos. It will help us to give our I AM Presences, full dominion of our lives.
[12/28/2009 9:24:10 PM] Magical Colin says: The monks are opening me some more, can feel where the Elohim fly in and out of my heart… wow… total blissArticle: THE NEW TECHNOLOGY OF THE VIOLET FLAME
“The 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Violet Flame allow us to easily download programs or patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of our Father-Mother God that we would like to manifest in our lives. We begin with an invocation, then we decide what programs we want to download and ask our I AM Presence to assist us. The downloading occurs instantly and automatically, very similar to the way the process occurs when we put a disc with a new program into our computer.”
[12/28/2009 9:26:18 PM] Saleena Ki says: I feel that this is now from Sophia-Moreahl and the new Logos…sending in all the new archetypal patterns into the new Universe. [12/28/2009 9:28:15 PM] Magical Colin says: Feels like our codes are from way beyond the 5th dimension tho, is this a new violet flame or the same one but introduced to new readers?Article: “After the program is downloaded, our I AM Presence uses the technology of the Violet Flame to scan all of our records, memories, belief systems, fears, blocks, etc., from all time frames and dimensions both known and unknown. Any thought, word, action, or feeling that we have ever expressed in any lifetime that conflicts with the new program is identified, transmuted, and deleted.”
“I am on fire with the love of God
Does anyone need a light?
You can set your rubbish ablaze
From the fire”
Now another feminine figure to his other side… she shimmers like diamonds… seems less of a form and very faceted… her form comes in and out of focus…. she holds the diamond fire…. he calls her Sheah
[12/28/2009 9:33:33 PM] Magical Colin says: So pure the energy they hold. Cleansing and light, like a laser, lighting up those parts that need to be released – then whoosh, they are gone [12/28/2009 9:33:34 PM] Saleena Ki says: Lady Sheah… like “She-ah.” [12/28/2009 9:34:42 PM] Magical Colin says: Can feel their love so deep, they are so welcome, aloha St Germain, Elsheya and Sheah – welcome beloveds – now I’m bowing so low. [12/28/2009 9:35:12 PM] Saleena Ki says: Next I see the Ancient Elders at the sacred pool on Venus… they are waving gently to us… I see them more like a hologram. The others are here with us….. So grateful…throwing kisses back to the Ancient Elders… at the pool of liquid love! So gentle and powerful at the same time…Suddenly there is a new figure entering… very “Commander of a Starship” like being…. His energies are so different than all these other beings…. he is dressed for ceremony only in a more military fashion, like dress uniform…. not sure who this is….
[12/28/2009 9:37:08 PM] Magical Colin says: Is it Ashtar? Feel like his energy… feels like we need to bring him into this field, his energy is not quite sync’d with this place. He bows and enters. Now we all exchange the energy flowing – and he receives the patterns and codes, just like we just did… [12/28/2009 9:42:01 PM] Saleena Ki says: just caught Marimar up with what we are doing… he is looking into who this is too… Who are you? Welcome….. Yes his energies are a little more abrupt…. [12/28/2009 9:42:38 PM] Magical Colin says: Think he will take these back to the fleet and sync up the whole mission. [12/28/2009 9:42:52 PM] Saleena Ki says: Seems they have been out in the field… protecting, etc, those on the front lines… we are on the front lines as humans. I am taking his hands… Sophia wants to “talk” with him….Sophia, she looks out of my eyes into his… they are kind and a little tired… very light pale and bluish white…. I feel my heart expanding….
His hands feel like I am holding Napoleon Bonaparte’s hands for some reason…. Sophia is reaching into his heart… a pink beam is now streaming from ours to his…… Now into his cells and mind… moving into every part of him….something is softening… he had a hard edge….
[12/28/2009 9:47:19 PM] Magical Colin says: Can feel myself and Moreahl doing the same, gently entering his field and softening his energy, aligning him with the vibration we have opened here today… and pointing to the future on the 31st, where the vibration will be further activated… [12/28/2009 9:47:34 PM] Saleena Ki says: Another very very large being is entering…. this one is Archangel Michael? Is there one who is the overseer of all the Archangels? Even over Michael? He looks like a giant compared to us…. we are waiting…. I am greeting the… giant….I also see another very very big Commander type entering from the other side…. I am sure this one is a Reptilian kind of being… huge warrior…. he has a kind of beak like face…. very Gladiator looking…. He takes a place across from the other Commander….
[12/28/2009 9:53:59 PM] Saleena Ki says: I am not sure I am using the right terms, best I can say from this body…. [12/28/2009 9:54:18 PM] Magical Colin says: interesting – what is the purpose of the gathering, are they all here to access this new energy? [12/28/2009 9:54:29 PM] Saleena Ki says: The Archangel is standing in a triad with them…. That is what Marimar said… that they are being informed of the new Universe and being aligned with it…. [12/28/2009 9:56:07 PM] Magical Colin says: Breathing in more of Moreahl again, need to stay focused… [12/28/2009 9:56:10 PM] Saleena Ki says: Me with Sophia is now turning to the Reptilian being… they haven’t introduced themselves… she just takes his hands…. and gazes into his eyes…. small and beady…. beautiful patterns on his skin. His eyes, they are golden….She is sending her love into his eyes first… to his brain… filling it up…. then it spills into the spine and down… into the area where we have a heart… filling it, though it is different… not at all humanoid like….. Sort of a space…. he reminds me of a reptile and bird combined…. He does have some kind of wings tucked into his armor…. a kind of dragon warrior… dark lord….
[12/28/2009 9:58:43 PM] AA Marimar says: aloha [12/28/2009 9:58:47 PM] Saleena Ki says: He seems willing to receive this…. [12/28/2009 9:59:13 PM] Saleena Ki says: aloha… Marimar…. [12/28/2009 9:59:13 PM] Magical Colin says: everyone is being impacted by this new reality; he has played his role to perfection, now ready for something new… [12/28/2009 9:59:41 PM] Saleena Ki says: She, Sophia, steps aside… ready for Moreahl? [12/28/2009 10:00:49 PM] Magical Colin says: OK – stepping forward to welcome him to the new, showing him how to connect to the new frequency… can feel him in my heart – all part of the ONE… [12/28/2009 10:02:06 PM] Saleena Ki says: Marimar… there are three beings here. The leader of the light sides… A Dark Lord leader and this giant of an Archangel… they form a triad right now. Sophia has given them her essence… now Moreahl… just the two leaders… not yet the Archangel. . [12/28/2009 10:03:00 PM] Saleena Ki says: I am watching to see what is next? Do we give the Archangel the same things?He is smiling and patting me on the back gently… he seems to be already informed in the new universe… I wonder if he is a newer archangel overseer?
[12/28/2009 10:04:16 PM] AA Marimar says: perhaps it is time to introduce them to the logos… [12/28/2009 10:04:32 PM] Magical Colin says: feels like he, the Archangel, may have orchestrated this, or assisted… [12/28/2009 10:04:36 PM] Saleena Ki says: beautiful….yes he seems to know these two…. [12/28/2009 10:05:02 PM] AA Marimar says: I wonder if the dark lord is the draconian king who disrupted the Arcturian/Hathor project?Saleena Note: In 2003, I went through a series of awakenings and began to remember a life where I was a Hathor on Earth. I had trained my whole life to be able to join with an Arcturian and create a child so our genetics could merge and in doing so might change a certain course the earth was about to take. There were some beings, Dark Lords who did not want this to happen, they had other hopes for the future control of Earth and her resources. They found a way to destroy the child and secure their course. We are just now beginning finding our way out of that plan. Truth is being revealed every day of all that has been hidden from us and all the activities that were carried on by these controllers. It has been quite an experiment we have all played out here. I am so joyful we are changing our reality now!
[12/28/2009 10:05:20 PM] Saleena Ki says: I felt Orion when he stepped in…. [12/28/2009 10:05:30 PM] Saleena Ki says: Asking him… He says “I am aware of all the plays.” [12/28/2009 10:06:16 PM] Magical Colin says: I felt a Hathor step up and squeeze my hand, reassuring like, we hug and smile, all is well… [12/28/2009 10:06:48 PM] Saleena Ki says: Yes this is a little unnerving…. not at all like playing with the Elohim…. that was really fun last night…When I look around, there are many beings watching, witnessing this… wow… everywhere… the house is full! When the lights are shining on stage, it is harder to see the audience….
I saw the logos stretched out in between them like an infinity sign… going into one of their chests and out and then into the other…. I saw this happen right when you said it might be time to introduce them to the logos….
[12/28/2009 10:09:45 PM] AA Marimar says: I saw the logos wrapping around them both.Saleena Note: When we saw the new logos born, it reminded me of a long whispy blue-green sea serpent with golden ruffles like a Leafy Sea Dragon. At other times I see it like a Golden orb… seems to be able to shape shift into different forms. It always feels the same though. I created the background of our blog here to reflect all these colors.
It is getting very hot in my solar plexus power center…sun center… feeling the great central sun linkage here…. Time for new archetypal download?
[12/28/2009 10:11:14 PM] AA Marimar says: It may be these beings are invited to assess how they might serve the evolution of the new universe. [12/28/2009 10:12:16 PM] AA Marimar says: Like actors reading through a script, imagining themselves in the new role. The “dark lord” seems to be smiling now [12/28/2009 10:13:23 PM] Magical Colin says: Yes I got the actor part, like they have just all finished the epic of their lives, taken a bow and are now reading the parts for their new production, just like we have been doing… [12/28/2009 10:14:21 PM] Magical Colin says: I always get the dark lord as the lightest of them all, how else could he have gone to those places? [12/28/2009 10:15:01 PM] AA Marimar says: If not the lightest, at least the most determined to see the system evolve. [12/28/2009 10:15:19 PM] Saleena Ki says: I was feeling such a love for the dragons, the flyers, in the Avatar movie… I feel a calm and big love for him right now….. Appreciation…. His role… yes he led them exquisitely…. [12/28/2009 10:16:22 PM] Magical Colin says: Feeling so much love flowing now, they all seem to be getting whatever they came for… and giving back something too“I am Corm Morah”, says the leader of the light brigade…. “I am Nash Tar,” says the dark leader….
[12/28/2009 10:18:04 PM] Saleena Ki says: I am reaching for an understanding of their positions, their titles… or roles…. [12/28/2009 10:18:35 PM] Magical Colin says: Nash Tar – sounds like Ashtar … interesting [12/28/2009 10:19:26 PM] Saleena Ki says: They seem to have received what we had to give them…. Corm Morah is over Ashtar…. he is the top in that hierarchy system. So it Nash Tar. [12/28/2009 10:19:40 PM] AA Marimar says: In the new universe I am thinking of the dragons as the keepers of the most ancient memories/records… in those big crystals. [12/28/2009 10:19:50 PM] Saleena Ki says: They are stepping up to each other…. [12/28/2009 10:19:59 PM] Magical Colin says: Have a slight distraction going on here, will come back soon [12/28/2009 10:20:06 PM] Saleena Ki says: They are calling each other Brother…. and embracing…. each one is peeling back their chest coverings… to bare their chests….there is a symbol that is on each one’s chest…. [12/28/2009 10:21:24 PM] AA Marimar says: In the new universe I am thinking of Corm Morah and his team as keepers of a “light lens” through which Source light shines. [12/28/2009 10:21:30 PM] Saleena Ki says: Their symbols are the same except one is right side up and the other right side down….A Beautiful being of light is stepping up to them and placing a hand on each of their chests….. radiating something into each symbol…. I am looking to see if I can see the symbols…. What do we have in this new universe? They said there were some of the old archetypes that are no longer in the new library…
I sketched what they looked like to me. Very tall narrow steep triangle with these four markings on the sides. Almost like feathers on a wing. Corm Morah’s is upright with the markings on the left side. Nash Tar’s is upside down with the markings on the right side.
Seems like the symbols are growing whole…. like they are overlapping and joining together… becoming the same on each one’s chest…. Now they each have the same symbol…. now what? Seems like they each took half of a whole and played it out…. Now they are bringing it back and bringing the halves together to form a whole on each one…. I was looking to see if they would be still staying in these roles?
[12/28/2009 10:29:49 PM] AA Marimar says: I think they will be cooperating this time around [12/28/2009 10:29:53 PM] Saleena Ki says: and what the Archangel is doing? [12/28/2009 10:30:35 PM] AA Marimar says: Seems to be “blessing” them with a sprinkling of angelic consciousness or assistance. [12/28/2009 10:31:16 PM] Saleena Ki says: We started to read the message from Patricia… I am seeing something intense…. it is as if the dark lord is emptying a sack of very awful things onto the ground…. dark and bloody things…. At the same time the other is emptying a sack full of diamond lights and sparkling things… onto the ground….Article: “We also have the ability to download programs for our families, our friends, and all Humanity. All we have to do is invoke their I AM Presence and ask that the program be downloaded according to their Divine Plan.
For our collective purposes here, the Beings of Light have grouped the programs we are going to download together according to subject matter. We are also going to invoke our families, friends, and the entire Family of Humanity.”
[12/28/2009 10:32:55 PM] Saleena Ki says: I feel to include the entire family of the universe, of this creation….The dark lord’s sack emptying made me a little queasy… so I am clearing myself & letting them do whatever it is they need to do… the Archangel seems to be helping…. What is his name or title?
Article: “The first step involves invoking our Father-Mother God, our I AM Presence, and the I AM Presence of all Humanity:” I add all of this new creation… all of the old creation….
[12/28/2009 10:36:02 PM] Saleena Ki says: I am going to begin to add each one of the programs that are here… feel free to add things as we go… My intention is that they are all getting upgraded and aligned to the new Universe energies….Article: DOWNLOADING PROGRAMS FROM THE CAUSAL BODY OF GOD
“Through the Presence of God, I AM, I Invoke:
My Father-Mother God, My I AM Presence, the I AM Presences of ALL Humanity, and the entire Company of Heaven.
I invoke the full-gathered momentum of the 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame.
I ask the I AM Presence of each member of my family, my friends, and the entire Family of Humanity to downloaded these programs for each person according to his or her highest good and their individual Divine Plans: And I begin…
Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for the Infinite Flow of God’s Abundance, Opulence, Financial Freedom, and the God-Supply of ALL good things. (pause)”
[12/28/2009 10:43:36 PM] Saleena Ki says: All aligned with the new universe….being informed out of the new archetypal library….Article: “The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)”
[12/28/2009 10:46:06 PM] Saleena Ki says: instantly easily gracefully completely…. this is being offered to any culture and race throughout all of creation that will benefit from this…..Article: “Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Eternal Youth, Vibrant Sublime Health, Radiant Beauty, and Slim (or proportioned to the perfect desired form,) Firm, Flawless Form. (pause)
The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)”
[12/28/2009 10:50:14 PM] Saleena Ki says: Marimar, Can you feel how this is going?Article: “Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Perfect Health Habits including Eating and Drinking Habits, Exercise Habits, Work Habits, Relaxation and Recreation Habits, Spiritual Devotion, Meditation, and Contemplation Habits. (pause)”
[12/28/2009 10:51:22 PM] Magical Colin says: Wow, even tho I only just caught up, I can feel these rippling through my energy… Thank you… Sorry was distracted for a while… [12/28/2009 10:53:08 PM] Saleena Ki says: I feel to add downloading the programs for each of our bodies to begin to be nourished with more of the higher light and full spectrum colors…. like sunshine and rainbow food.Article: “The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)”
[12/28/2009 10:55:01 PM] Saleena Ki says: Feel free to add anything that comes to mind….Article: “Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Divine Family Life, Loving Relationships, Adoration, Divine Love, Divine Sexuality, True Understanding, Clear and Effective Communication, Open Heart Sharing, Oneness, and the Unification of the Family of Humanity. (pause)”
[12/28/2009 10:55:39 PM] Saleena Ki says: adding Dynamic Harmony….Article: “The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)
Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Eternal Peace, Harmony, Balance, and Reverence for ALL Life. (pause)”
[12/28/2009 11:01:19 PM] Saleena Ki says: adding Reunion & Reconnection. Sustainable Living…. [12/28/2009 11:03:16 PM] Magical Colin says: Beloved you have covered all areas here, don’t have any to add, although I would like to add my love to the flow… Yes pleaseArticle: “The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)”
[12/28/2009 11:04:51 PM] Saleena Ki says: can feel that…. seems we are touching these from our higher aspects.. from Sophia, from Moreahl, from Logos….on down through all our higher dimensional aspects that are participating….Article: “Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Self-Empowerment, Success, Fulfillment, Divine Purpose, A Rewarding Career, Self Esteem, Spiritual Development, Enlightenment, Divine Consciousness, and Divine Perception. (pause)”
[12/28/2009 11:06:08 PM] Saleena Ki says: adding Support & Encouragement for following your Passion and Developing it into Reality…. wow, lots of programs!Article: “The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)
Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for the Perception and Open Heart and Mind Telepathic Communication with the Company of Heaven and the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms. (pause)”
[12/28/2009 11:11:36 PM] Saleena Ki says: all programs needed for Opening up ALL Beings to their Higher Dimensional Abilities & Super Senses.Article: “The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)
[12/28/2009 11:12:54 PM] Magical Colin says: wow this is sooo powerful, so grateful for your Saleena and your perceptions, your ideas, your insights…Article: “Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for the removal of all implant programs that limit and keep humans in a matrix of limitation.”
[12/28/2009 11:14:14 PM] Saleena Ki says: Humans and all Races throughout Creation that are ready for this New Alignment with the New Universe.” [12/28/2009 11:15:23 PM] Saleena Ki says: Thank you, Colin… and I hope you know that these are mostly coming from Patricia Cota Roble’s 2010 message. I am adding things when it comes to me to add….I am adding: Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God to neutralize and remove all DNA Manipulation Programs at ALL the deepest levels that were inserted at every level to control and limit our Divinity or to keep us from Discovering our True Identity. Download all antidotal programs that release ALL programs and distortions that mimic Spirit or True Intuition. That deceive or confuse truth.
Wow something is lifting very strongly there….
Article: “The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)
Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for Inspired Creativity through Music, Singing, Sound, Toning, Dance, Movement, Art, and Education. (pause)”
[12/28/2009 11:19:32 PM] Saleena Ki says: Bringing in the invitation for more of this from other star cultures, opening the door wider to sharings from other dimensions.Support and recognition from the “village” or “tribe”. To Celebrate and Support the Artists, the Seers, the Healers, the Inventors…honoring them for their contributions….Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for New learning centers for the New Children… without teachers and with guides, so these children’s gifts may unfold, flower and bloom!
Article: The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)
[12/28/2009 11:23:01 PM] Saleena Ki says: Marimar, do you have something for the science? Is there a place for it in the new universe? It seems missing here…How about the new sustainable technologies & bringing heart into all technology? How about bridging science and spirituality, healing the separation…
[12/28/2009 11:27:03 PM] Magical Colin says: I can see the proofs of this energy and love working into science and can feel the scientific community moving into their truth, finding their home here in the new, all flowing naturally for them and for everyone to accept, easily… [12/28/2009 11:27:42 PM] Saleena Ki says: Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for…a new approach to science, widening the possibilities to embrace a new way of veiwing creation and our place in it. [12/28/2009 11:28:43 PM] AA Marimar says: On this planet we could use a new approach for our technology… one informed by direct knowing as well as theory, experiment, and simulation. Do you think our situation with our scientific understanding is typical in the universe? We can use an understanding of the interrelatedness of all forms, of the fractal holographic cosmology. This would enable us to see whole systems by looking at parts of the whole. We could start to delve into the information systems that exist prior to the physical projections. [12/28/2009 11:31:44 PM] Magical Colin says: The way science currently does not move until proof is provided, and how it blocks new ideas, will not be part of the new, rather the opposite, all will be aligned with the truth and so will find it easier to manifest beneficial technology.. New ways of thinking as you say [12/28/2009 11:32:05 PM] AA Marimar says: Technology developed with attention to the whole. [12/28/2009 11:32:13 PM] Saleena Ki says: Sustainable technology with heart…. the way the Ambassadors offered this understanding to us…. [12/28/2009 11:32:37 PM] AA Marimar says: Technology designed to further our deepest aspirations. [12/28/2009 11:33:38 PM] Saleena Ki says: Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for all these…Article: “The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)”
[12/28/2009 11:39:13 PM] Saleena Ki says: Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for the understanding of and ability to express the true new geometries that now inform our reality. [12/28/2009 11:39:39 PM] Saleena Ki says: Marimar, you have anything to add to this? [12/28/2009 11:45:11 PM] Magical Colin says: Mmm this was really lovely, am going to sit now and let it absorb… thank you [12/28/2009 11:45:38 PM] Saleena Ki says: not finished yet… almost though…. [12/28/2009 11:45:53 PM] Saleena Ki says: another long session… [12/28/2009 11:46:05 PM] AA Marimar says: By understanding the geometry of our reality, we understand how we are each a central point in the unfolding of its perfection. [12/28/2009 11:46:59 PM] Saleena Ki says: …and may assist in its co-creation…Article: “The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)
Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for the physical manifestation of Heaven on Earth. & throughout ALL Creation as this new Universe unfolds. (pause)”
[12/28/2009 11:53:11 PM] Saleena Ki says:“I am on fire with the love of God
Does anyone need a light?
You can set your rubbish ablaze
From the fire”
Article: “The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)”
[12/28/2009 11:56:05 PM] Saleena Ki says: Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God into the Vibrakeys as expressions of the New Universe. Reset each one to align with the new Universe in harmony and perfection. Raise the frequency to match the new levels of vibration in the new dimensions that are open now for all Earth to access.They are now a magnet to pull to them those in the most joyful alignment for interaction with them. For abundance flowing now that is freely given of the New Universe, no longer based on how much we do or perform… we create freely and passionately and our creations magnetically draw those who are ready for them.
Include all my Transformational Art and Photography.
Article: “The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)”
[12:01:38 AM] Saleena Ki says: Anything else? I love this part….Article: “I now ACCEPT and KNOW through every fiber of my Being that these programs from the Causal Body of God have been successfully downloaded. I also ACCEPT and KNOW that my I AM Presence will update these programs every single day and continually delete anything in my Being that conflicts with these programs.”
[12:02:49 AM] Magical Colin says: wow this is sooo powerful – yes I can feel it happening… I know and accept I know [12:03:33 AM] Saleena Ki says: How about for your personal emergence? [12:05:00 AM] Magical Colin says: I am stepping confidently into my divine self, easily and magically, for the benefit of all. In fact I already have, and this is now flowing easily in my life and within those around me. [12:06:30 AM] AA Marimar says: ditto [12:07:17 AM] Magical Colin says: wow can you feel that flowing? So grateful [12:08:07 AM] Saleena Ki says: “When all three soul centers are awakened a more complete unfoldment occurs which includes a unity of mind, a realization of universal love and one’s divine nature, and a healing and wholing of the human psyche. Together, these initiate the birthing of the luminous Self.” The Luminous Self [12:09:07 AM] Saleena Ki says: God is Love, Love is All That Is, I AM that.Article: “In deep Humility, Divine Love and Gratitude I Decree, It is done. And so it is. Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM.
[12:12:34 AM] Saleena Ki says: “Ilahinoor from the Divine Feminine, Spotless Mind from the Divine Masculine, Love-Oneness from the new child, the heart of the matter… Peace, bliss, love, ecstasy and other divine qualities are revealed as aspects of our inherent true nature, not states that need to be sought or acquired externally. God gives birth to the Son (/Daughter) as you, as me, as each one of us.”“As many beings, as many gods in God.
In my soul, God not only gives birth to me as his son,
he gives birth to me as himself, and himself as me.
I find in this divine birth that God and I are the same:
I am transported above the highest angels;
I neither decrease nor increase,
for in this birth I have become the motionless cause of all that moves.
I have won back what has always been mine.
Here, in my own soul, the greatest of all miracles has taken place —
God has returned to God!”
Meister Eckhart
[12:15:42 AM] Saleena Ki says: This is perfect for what we just did!“Awakening is not a linear, one-dimensional process. In its fullest expression, awakening involves the conscious unfoldment of three primary dimensions of the soul nature, resulting in the realization of the Self as the holographic, fractal essence of God. Many spiritual traditions hold that the absolute, unitive nature of the One expresses through three primary dimensions of being — the pure spirit aspect, the material or form aspect, and the fusion of the two, or embodied divinity.”
“The full flowering of the human being occurs with the realization of the true eternal Self as the composite expression of being of all three dimensions of awakening”
“We have arrived at the moment of birth…the most momentous event in human history… the end of the human experience as we have known it, and the point of emergence of a new, luminous human species — multidimensional, fully awakened to its true nature as holographic aspects of God/One/All That Is.”
“I AM the only One that Is, has ever been and always will be… to the end of time and beyond. I now make my full and final appearance on Earth in, as and through you. The moment of the Birth has come, when you in your splendor and magnificence will shine forth as blazing divine Light~Fire, illuminating and raising all into a new heaven and new earth. You are each that One that I AM. Turn within now and fully face and embrace your true nature, realizing and living what has always been the truth of your infinite, divine, luminous Being.”
The Cosmic Christ
All these quotes are from The Luminous Self; Birth of the Luminous One
[12:23:55 AM] Saleena Ki says: It is 122355! Wow!Thank you everyone… Sophia… Moreahl, New Logos… is there anything… a name a sound we can call you beautiful one?
[12:26:02 AM] Magical Colin says: All I get is “God – I am God. The one you know as God; feel me…” [12:30:56 AM] Saleena Ki says: must be nearing completion… waves of tiredness along with satisfaction of a great creative session…. thank you all… for an amazing adventure again…. love you all so much…. may be resting soon…. was creating an illustration I think is a new Vibrakey as we worked…. will share when finished…. love you both… aloha [12:32:00 AM] AA Marimar says: aloha“But the time comes when the One is ready to experience more of itself, and that inexorable desire for transcendence moves through even the lowly caterpillar. Deep within its consciousness, the impulse to freely explore new dimensions of existence arises; suddenly,
something within it wants to fly on gossamer wings above the “flatland” of its previous existence.”
” Bliss is often experienced as inherent to our true nature. Great peace may accompany the realization that all that once seemed to prevent joy and happiness is simply not based in reality. Peace, bliss, love, and other divine qualities are revealed as aspects of our inherent nature, not states that need to be sought or acquired externally.” More from The Luminous Self: Love-Oneness
[12:33:19 AM] Saleena Ki says: and so it is… we have a new potential all geared up to create what ever we desire in it… time to dream it all in….. welcome to Our New Universe!“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and first earth passed away…and he shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there shall no longer be any death, there shall no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away…
“And there shall no longer be any night; for they shall not have need of the light of a lamp nor the light of the sun, because the Lord God shall illumine them; and they shall reign forever and ever.” Revelations: Chapters 21 and 22
“It is the time of the second, full and final coming of the One, in, through, and as humanity. In this collective messiahship, at first a few wake up and realize we are the ones we have been waiting for. Then a great wave of awakening will arise in the collective consciousness and ripple through the planetary mind fields with ever-increasing speed, until one day we all will look in the mirror and see the face of the Luminous One — the Only One that is — looking back at us. Out in the streets we will rush to meet ourselves again and again, dancing, singing, celebrating the birth of the luminous One and the beginning of the new heaven and new earth….”
Thank you Barry & Karen… all from The Luminous One
I hadn’t ever read it… ever though they are friends… he is the one that researched many of the earlier Vibrakeys… and introduced us to VK21’s Resurrection Hologram…. blessings….
[12:39:55 AM] Saleena Ki says: I feel to add: Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for the flowering of all dimensions of our being: The 3 Transmissions of Grace we have been given awaken all three dimensions within us. Ilahinoor unfolds the En-life-enment dimension, Love~Oneness catalyzes God realization or Self as Love — the En-Love-enment aspect, and Spotless Mind activates the non-dual, absolute state of En-Light-enment, or Self as pure consciousness, or any other program that is available to assist in bringing us to full realization of the Luminous Self.Whatever Deepens Communion with the soul center located deep in the abdomen, re-weaving the infinite life-promoting web of life within the subtle bodies and chakras. Restoring the interconnections of life within the human body and reunion with all life networks to which we belong. Conscious communing with our inner divinity, and a direct, conscious communion with the True Self.
[12:46:51 AM] Magical Colin says: Truly divine, thank you [12:47:32 AM] Saleena Ki says: yes we are!Article: “These programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)”
[12:52:11 AM] Saleena Ki says: Beloved I AM Presence, download now the programs from the Causal Body of God for all barriers to be removed that conceal the truth of our inner terrestrial relatives, our extraterrestrial star families and higher dimensional beloveds. All programs that support OPEN Benevolent Contact now. That give everyone the potential to activate their ability to perceive other dimensional beings as friends and allies. That Open the doors to sharing advanced technology with heart. [12:52:35 AM] Saleena Ki says: funny this seems a repeat, though I just got chills and chills when I posted this….Article: “The programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and transmutes and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)
I now ACCEPT and KNOW through every fiber of my Being that these programs from the Causal Body of God have been successfully downloaded. I also ACCEPT and KNOW that my I AM Presence will update these programs every single day and continually delete anything in my Being that conflicts with these programs.”
[12:54:29 AM] Saleena Ki says: Thank youPatricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
Website: Era of Peace
Article: “In deep Humility, Divine Love and Gratitude I Decree,
It is done. And so it is. Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM.”
[12:54:53 AM] Saleena Ki says: something relaxed now and I can sleep… in fact tears are welling up now… interesting…. [12:56:58 AM] Magical Colin says: all is well… we are one [12:57:44 AM] Saleena Ki says: zzuu zzuu be doo! [2:58:38 AM] Saleena Ki sent file “VK66 Luminous Self preview1.jpg” to members of this chat [2:59:10 AM] Saleena Ki says: Here is a potential new Vibrakey from today’s activities….
VK66 Luminous Self-preview. Please refrain from copying this preview... it will soon be in the Birthing Gallery and ready to be purchased. Saleena Ki
P.S. About the Blue Moon
The 31st is going to be another powerful alignment with a BLUE MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE & an opportunity to download what we desire into this new Universe’s matrix.
“THERE will be a blue moon on Thursday as New Year’s Eve revellers welcome in 2010 – the first time since 1990 that a blue moon has coincided with New Year’s Eve.
A blue moon – the second full moon in a calendar month – occurs only every 2½ years on average. This month, full moons occur on December 2 and December 31.
An astronomer, David Reneke, from Australasian Science magazine, said it was rare for the event to land on New Year’s Eve, and it would not happen again until 2028.
The phrase ”blue moon” has become a metaphor for a rare event.”