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Plant your Seeds: Message from the Council of OM

Saleena: Yesterday, Marimar had asked me to check in with my guidance and see if I had any inspiration about his applying for a certain "job" possibility. It would mean a major change for us, so I asked if it would be a good idea for him,  to work full time again for an employer. It would require him to commute and be away from home much of the time.

We have been both focused on creating our Cyber-Ship (which includes many projects & websites); bringing my Vibrakeys & Transformational Art online, preparing his long awaited grid & new cosmology research, our Contact Library and many other of our dream creations to present them on the internet so they can shared, enjoyed, inspire awakening & consciousness changes in individuals & the world & bring us an abundant income.

This has been a veeeeery slow & steady process. It has taken alot of dedication, vision, determination, surrendering, persisting, and many internal shifts for me to learn patience, to relax & trust, stay focused in the now moment & keep myself align within the stream & flow of the abundant Universe. I have made leaps and bounds within my own perspective of reality. 

Over the last few years, as the ecomomy has been changing, we have learned to live simply & miraculously, with much support and assistance from the Angels, both in the higher realms and those who walk amoungst us. We live in a beautiful place on Earth in our Lemurian Hawaiian Garden of Atema (which means blossoming at many levels).

As a small conscious community, in five years we have co-created a miraculous Space of Love with extraordinary energy which most people feel right away. With the assistance and cooperation of our local Nature beings & elementals, the steady creativity and vision our genius gardener Merlyn & his beautiful generous gifted companion, Veronique, we have a conscious organic botanical garden of great beauty & variety.

Considering we have endured some pretty harsh conditions. (El Nino,lack of water, lava rock, vog (volcanic fog, very little acid soil, extremely expensive soil to buy & limited funds) our garden community is awesome!


Our life is very magical and abundant in many ways. Most days I walk through the gardens, soak up some morning sun and smell, admire & eat flowers, volunteer mushrooms (I always ask if they are good for me) fruit, herbs and leaves. I sing & talk with Mother Earth, the Sisters of Isis and Pan & all the Nature beings who help us here. We set up a GardenSong Project here several years ago to help us interact with them. This is so deeply sustaining & grounding for me. For ALL this abundance I am grateful!

Inside we have created an energetically friendly and powerfully supportive environment; a Safe Haven. Using my Vibrakey designs, we have several Energetic Pyramids customized to support each of our creative endevors and enhance our  Health & well being.

It is a temple we live in. It is our Uli Hoku Hanau Heiau: a Blue Crystal Birthing of new Creations Temple. We drink the most delicious Liquid Love Rainbow structured water that assists us in keeping our bodies healthy & raising our consciousness.

And for whatever reasons, our income has been sporatic and sometimes doesn't cover all our expenses of living on Earth at this time, thus we have acquired a fairly deep large debt and at this moment, the mortagage company is attempting to foreclose and auction the home we are living in. I received an email with a story from a man that was similar to ours so I will share it next post since it has so many links and inspirations to assist you in opening your understanding to what is happening to millions of people right now who are losing their homes in the same way or are being threaten with foreclosure of their homes and properties.

We want to continue living here for now since it is our Motherland, so we are asking for assistance: donations, ideas and inspiration; miracles… whatever it take, and we are taking some beginning actions to change this. I want to acknowledge & thank Rev. Len Lenardson, who is part owner of the house; for his love, patience, trust & belief in all of us living here. He is a master juggler and miracle creator. Such a loving being.

So, back to the idea of a full time job: I began by asking if this would be a good idea for Marimar, and here is their reply:  I am sharing it because they expanded it to address the bigger situation on Earth & encourage us ALL to take an active role in co-creating something new. One way is to join in the  9-9 Plant Your Seeds for A Paradisical Earth.


Council of OM: This would certainly bring about change & transition. We are unable to make certain recommendations at this time. Are you ready for this? On one hand it would bring about some relief to have a known source of income flowing from Marimar’s efforts. We feel your frustration & fear at times about living moment to moment & not knowing where the next supply is coming from. You have been very upset at times when you cannot pay your rent.


Have you considered that
what is happening is
for the higher purposes?

Sometimes you are part of a
much bigger purpose.
That is what you
have come here for.


You have a place to live.
You are surrounded by
spiritual & loving people.
You have food…


All of you have your challenges & the situation both locally & planetarily is bringing about many opportunities for you to clear your old beliefs & free yourselves from a structure & system that is obsolete & past due to crumble & be replaced.

This is why we suggest
that you embrace a new way
& focus on getting clear
about what you want.

What you desire your world
to be like.

How you desire you interactions
with others to be like.


It has been mused about many times from our perspective how difficult it must be to have to work so hard for your mere survival. The illusions have been planted deep. Some of you still struggle with your old beliefs and habits, focusing on what is wrong with your life, thus creating more lack. Many have found keys to creating abundance even as the greater economy turns for what appears to be “the worst.”   Each of you has an inherent right (Vested in (someone) as a right or privilege.) to have a place to live & food to eat.


Basics provided that
you may live on your planet
in a way that allows your
more creative sides to engage.


Many things will be
changing very rapidly.

This is why we ask you
to plant seeds now.
To get clear about what
each of you are inspired
to focus on.


We know that each of you
have your own specialties,
your own inspirations.

There are few who have
the whole picture in mind.



So it will take many to
place your seeds
(visions, descriptions, inspirations
& ideas about
what kind of reality you desire)
into this alchemical womb of creation
(meaning the potency of the time
& aligned energies at this time)
so you co-create, work together
to form the new realit


The conditions are ripe.

The container of your
future higher dimensional Earth
is prepared & ready.

If you do not participate,
it will fill with anything from the
previous creation that makes it
through the dimensional shift
& there are so many directions
it can go.

Creation takes many forms.
It takes the Creator Gods
to form it.
Someone will take this role
if you are unwilling to assist.


The opportunity is here now
to shape your next world
the way you desire it.

We know that this may feel like a
formidable job to you.
You may have forgotten
how powerful
your ideas & desires
are to create reality.


We are here waiting in the higher realms for your arrival. We are assisting as much as is allowed by Divine decree. The time for ascension is now.


Many of you may have
noticed that there are many choice points arriving daily.

Much information that has been hidden from you is now coming into the light. This is presenting you with choices. To continue what you are doing, even if it is supporting an old system or structure that exploits the Earth’s resources or human resources.

Many of your products & consumer goods are manufactured this way. Using precious resources without any thought or concern about renewable future. Created only for profiting a few & the expense of many.

Many of your products are actually harming or poisoning you in direct or indirect ways. As these sources are revealed. As these methods are revealed, it presents you with choices. Do you change your habits? Do you choose to stop purchasing this kind of abuse? Or do you continue buying & supporting this behavior.


When you say you want change,
it is time to look around you.
Look further than
your grocery shelf.


Look past the products
on the store shelves
& look into who is making them, how they are created.

What practices do these companies choose; how do they treat their employees? Are they conscious of the environment? Are they looking at a future for the Earth or for you? Or are they creating products that strip & abuse all of you? Who is making your product? Is it being created in ways that abuse the people who work for them?

Often mass production that is focused on cutting expenses & raising profits will contract the product to be made in countries where the people are already poor & struggling to live. These people are in situations where they are forced to work so very hard, under difficult & abusive situations to create these products for you & the profits for a few.

Will you continue to support this?


Saleena Note: I heard that one major Chocolate manufacturer is using raw chocolate from Africa where children are being forced to work under horrendous situations. I haven’t confirmed this, but it has definitely presented me with a choice point. Until I am clear about this, I will be more careful to choose to buy chocolate that is confirming their consciousness in its production.


It is a constant choice point
for me now that I am
beginning to understand
what has been & is going on
here on this planet.


Paper products, for example, how are they being made? What is being used? Are they using up resources without any sustainable practices? The Big Island of Hawaii is a good example. Big companies from another country bought lots of land & planted tree very close together that grew fast. Then they harvested them to make paper. Left the stumps & the land is now unusable.

There isn’t very much land on an island like this & all of it is precious to the local people who live here. There are many places on Earth that are now barren that used to have an abundance of trees. When the trees disappear, eventually life becomes more & more difficult to sustain locally & then eventually globally.

Am I willing to pay more
for the products that are recycled? For fair trade goods?
For conscious companies
that are doing their best
to make it their business to make sustainable changes
in a market that is
so competitive?


There is so much to learn as we are waking up & growing into a higher consciousness.


We have been used, abused, entranced, seduced, poisoned, lied to, manipulated & exploited in more ways than we can even imagine yet. It is all coming out into the open more & more.


That is why it is so important
for us to begin now
to choose & practice that which supports a newly emerging sustainable reality.

One where we are
conscious & respectful
of each other & our planet.


One where we practice
paying attention to the effects
of our choices;
looking ahead for the
generations coming after us.


By the way, who are we receiving this message from?


A: The Council of Light, the Council creating the OM Wave. As we shared before, there are many beings from all over creation who are living in higher vibrational realities who are participating on this council. We are the ones who have gathered & are assisting you on Earth during this grand transition.


We hope to inspire you to
take actions to co-create
your new reality.

To participate in planting
the seeds for a
new Paradisical Earth.


She is ascending.

Everything as you know it
will change.


We are inviting you
to participate in
guiding the changes.

Even if you are barely waking up & just beginning to see how you have been living & beginning to get the idea & the feeling that you desire something different, something new; another more desirable way to live on this earth, to live together, then this is your opportunity now to create a seed.

Even one tiny wish,
a focused desire expressed
& planted in the way suggested
will make a difference.

This is how a new Earth
& new Reality is created.


Saleena Note: If anyone has attempted to plant your seeds for the 9-9 Event, please accept my apologies. In WordPress, it seems that they make it very difficult to make comments. so when no seeds appeared I found that it is set up to make it impossible for you to follow through and post your seed in the comments. We are attempting to correct this and at this moment it isn't sorted out. Some have sent me their seeds as email and I have posted them. Feel free to do this if you can't post them. Email me.

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!

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