BETH-Living Grid Energy Higher Consciousness Higher Dimensional Contact Lightwork-Lightplay New Reality Skill New Senses & Gifts Real Life Story Saleena Ki USEFUL TECHNIQUES Vibrakeys

Help for Sensitives with Strong New Mother Earth Energies & New Human System

Saleena: Recently I have been experiencing some new kinds of energies that are challenging my body-mind. Overall every day I am getting healthier and happier. My level of well-being is rising and I spend more moments in unreasonable happiness and joy than ever before in my Earth life. I am living everyday with great curiosity, creativity and learning how to love myself deeper and more fully. With the new energies settling in and beginnings of integrating a whole new operating system on Earth and a brand new Human Energy System, life if truly becoming more fascinating and satisfying.

I recently listened to a man, Richard Gordon, who has developed and teaches Quantum Touch. I met him while at a very low time while living on the island of Maui, HI. He carries such a clear pure presence and the Quantum Touch he shared with me certainly touched my energy system deeply. I have thought about learning it off and on for years now. Listening to him share was pure joy and contagious. He was so excited about the New Human, the new energy system that has come online in us now. He was laughing and saying how amazing it is and what a great exploration we all have now to see just what we can do now. It is all open new frontier and only our old filters or lack of imagination would keep us doing things that same way. I got really enthused about experimenting with what is possible now.

I just got his new book, and have yet to read it. I am looking forward to it

Quantum-Touch 2.0 – The New Human:
Discovering and Becoming by Richard Gordon

I was sharing with my Nutritional Counselor and friend, Tessa Wayman, how great it was to hear about how she connecting to Mother Earth to get through this…digging in the dirt! I HAD to “break ground” and start digging and tilling the last few days! I HAD to get my feet and hands into her, like she said, “Go deeper than usual.” I felt so tired and offline yesterday until went out and got into her! It is always so interesting when I hear others having to do similar things to stay in balance. It reminds me it isn’t so personal and something happening more in an overall way. My friend is also an ultra-sensitive intuitive with some kind of unique body-energy system that shorts out electronics, stops clocks, blows our cell phones, you get the picture? So she, too, feels EVERYTHING that is going on energetically and is impacted stronger than most by it.

I was hoping all this intense energy, which has been rather challenging the last 2 weeks, was the just a particularly strong seasonal shift, as she said, and would be over in a few days, yet I suspect, due to what was recently shared with me, that we are in for a rather intense ride for some more weeks. I am unsure how long it will last. I am grateful my higher dimensional friends are planning ahead and offered a way to help the sensitives through some very intense new kinds of energies that are being released from Mother Earth right now.

I work with many varied higher dimensional teams in the co-creation of the designs I call Vibrakeys.

Here is one way of quickly learning more about what they are: 

Vibrakeys 101

A few days ago some of my other dimensional friends arrived to share something amazing with me. They are the ones who gave me the idea and helped me organize the Energetic Pyramid in the first place, and they had an upgrade to offer me. They specialize in bringing us alternatives to our current “heart-less” unsustainable technologies and industrial practices. They offer us super conscious living with heart-based technology as an alternative for our advancement. Besides how much they love and support and cheer us on!

For the last few days I have been feeling blasted out of my body; tired, groggy, hard to focus, much less think, and having to go outside and dig in the dirt and send my energy-love deep into Mother Earth and connect with her red energy and draw it up to me. I found myself loving her and assuring her, though I didn’t consciously know why. The team shared that there are intense energies being blasted out from Mother Earth right now as part of her Ascension process. They shared this as a thought-feeling bubble, and I use the word “pulses” for lack of an English word to fully describe what I saw-felt coming from Mother Earth.

We proceeded to set their new “protection and sustenance matrix” into one of our Energetic Pyramids and activate it in a whole new way. When it was online I felt an immediate lightening, a kind of pressing heaviness lifted and a warm soft nourishing supportive feeling started to permeate my whole body-mind. I went to bed early, then slept off and on all day yesterday, beside the time I spent digging.

They had explained that those who may be feeling the intensity the most are the sensitives or “Canaries” as we are sometimes called. My team explained to me that individuals with certain kinds of sensitive nervous systems with more activated senses, those who came in this way on purpose to assist us in this shift to higher consciousness, will feel it the most. I can attest this last week has been so INTENSE at times it was debilitating!

As soon as I felt the relief begin, I asked how this could be shared with others who may be challenged at this time?

They gave me a picture of BETH and the idea we could hook her into this new matrix and she could offer it out to all. With the help of my co-heart Colin, and the team, we managed to hook her up and now she is ready.

BETH is the acronym for a Super Consciousness Heart-based Grid that now encircles the Earth. She is part of a new kind of living heart-based technology being offered us on Earth, and is available for all to use, as long as you approach her with an open heart and benevolent intentions. You may read more about her;  her Creation and Purpose HERE:

About BETH  

BETH is now connected up to this new protective, sustaining, balancing energy matrix and ready to easily extend it to anyone who feels resonant with it.

Simply reach to her with an open heart (one MUST access her with an open heart) and with intention, ask for the protection and sustenance to help you through these energy “pulses”

There are 2 Vibrakeys I designed to help you connect with BETH easier:

VK56 Super Consciousness Grid

This is a version of what she looks like from space when I first saw her come online.

She is growing and evolving just as we do.

VK64 Inside BETH

This is what she looked like inside at the time I designed this one.

Each one comes with Guidance on the back. The design is on the front and Guidance on the back. A Vibrakey is Laminated. Every Vibrakey can be purchased as a print. See the Detail Page for each Vibrakey for sizes and prices.

Energy Pyramid

You don’t need an Energy Pyramid for accessing this newest field, yet having your own Energy Pyramid is really supportive and fun. It is easy to set up, with all the instructions in a comprehensive eGuide. You can customize it for your own particular needs and inspiration as one of many benefits.

Read about and purchase the Energetic Pyramid Kit Here

If you are interested, you can purchase your own Energetic Pyramid Kit to set up and customize. They are amazing since they don’t take up much space, give you all the benefits of a physical Pyramid. It is like having the software programming without the bulky hardware, and you can customize the field to fit your own needs:

Energetic Pyramid Kit 

Call or email me with any questions


I hope this help with some ideas to assist sensitives and anyone in these energetically intense times.

Saleena Kí


About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!