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Raise your Vibration: Indulge in Gratitude & Appreciation!

Saleena: I am sharing this powerful principle with you today so that you will be already familiar with the power of using Gratitude when the next message & invitation about the new grid comes to you.

Gratitude: the Miracle of Life

Gratitude & Appreciation are fairly simple principles.

When you indulge in them… you quickly & easily raise your vibration.

It becomes a natural feeling when you begin to practice. It becomes a pleasant & powerful habit;

A delicious response to life instead of the negative ways that have been introduced to us to de-power us.

Life is sweet; Life Responds!

These days I am all about finding empowering ways to raise my vibration & keep it there. This aligns with my desire to ascend my body-mind to live in & participate in life in the higher realms & to inspire others to join me. It is my love for humanity & the earth that fuels this. It is my vision of a regenerative way of living together in curious joyful interconnectedness.

As, I write this, the universe aligns again: I consider the Cardinal (red bird) brings me messages about magical openings, gets my attention & cracks open the dimensions. Two, a male and female, just twittered excitedly as they fanned their tails displaying affection with each other, hopping about the tree branches right outside my window. They got my attention. Thank you! You open my heart & I feel your excitement and joy in my body. Thank you!

A new message I received from MaRi Magdalene reminds me again of the usefulness of Gratitude in moving into each new phase of this shift of the ages. It is a foundational principle that will assist us ALL in becoming a new communications grid for earth. I will post this message & invitation next.

Recently I have begun to experience a rapid manifestation process. Anything I think about or I desire seems to come to me in some way or another within a few days. In small & noticeable ways.  When the invitation came to participate in Go Gratitude’s 8th World Gratitude Wave I smiled. The universe did it again! Here is a beautiful opportunity to participate in creating a wave of this powerful substance world wide. To me it re-creating ourselves into new beings where gratitude and the higher states of being are a natural way of being. See you on the WAVE!!!!!

World Gratitude Wave

From Stacey Robyn & the ground crew of Go Gratitude!

Greetings & Glad Tidings

Here’s a quick reminder the 8th Wave of World Gratitude begins today!

To join us for this wave, go here to sign on:

Now, we’re preparing to wrap up the Experiment. When we first began, in 2005, our intent was to create a ‘World wide wave of Gratitude’. This intent has been made manifest.  Look around and you’ll find a plethora of projects, books, blogs, products, meditations, teachers and everyday people focused on (and using!) the Master Key of Gratitude.

Whohoooooo! Take a moment to celebrate, because this is a group effort and has been made manifest because of YOU!

Thank you!  Thank You!  THANK YOU!

Many blessings and Happy New Moon to all!

This is a ONE-derful time to open our hearts, sit in silence and plants seeds of intention for the days ahead.

Remember, the Source forces of creation are conspiring on our behalf to support our waking dreams and b’earth into being the Great Shift of the Ages.

Beloveds — this is truly our time to SHINE!

Thank you for joining us on this amazing journey, and for inviting others along, too.  Together we are better —
a One Heart World awakened to the power of Love and Gratitude.

Many blessings …

Ukehi shi’bijii (Thank you for being our Heart!),

Stacey Robyn and the ground crew of Go Gratitude!

Here is their longer story:

In our own home, and within our extended family, we’ve witnessed healing on every level take place -physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

All beginning with the choice to use the Master Key of Gratitude in our lives, and focus our thoughts, actions & energies on what we are grateful for.

Over time, this has created more and more to be grateful for!

Of course, this world wide wave altered both the external world, as well as the landscape of Spirit and Soul – our Inner Space. So, just as we have moved to a new operating space, it is Now time to shift into the next phase of our mission:

The Heart Peace Project. (More on this to come … )

VK38 Sacred HeartGate

So, as we begin to wrap up the  Experiment, we are inviting our world-wide family to join us in co-creating, recording and sharing random acts of Gratitude.  A repository, if you will, to serve as a reflection of what happens when we choose to Go Gratitude!

Here’s how it works:

Over the next 42 days, beginning on march 15th, we invite you to consciously connect with Mother Earth in the Spirit of Love and Gratitude.  Give thanks to her for providing the foundation for Life – for our lives, our ancestors and all future generations.

Next, invite inspired guidance for how you, personally, can bless and serve Mother Earth with Love, Appreciation and Gratitude.

Then LIVE IT!  Whatever it is — however big or small — take one action every day to fulfill your calling and live the Waking Dream!

Lastly, tap in and share what’s happyning, what’s shifting, what passion pursuits Spirit is calling you to.

What Will *Your* Life Be Like, 42 Days from now, after Enlightening the World with our Gifts of Gratitude and Connecting with our Growing Family of Gratitude?

We’ve set up an online space to gather and share, as well as some initial ideas on ways to bless our world with Love and Gratitude.

You can find these by joining this wave of World Gratitude, here:

Remember, the Wave is open to everyone it is free, as you choose, or you can offer an amount that feels right to you. Most important, is the choice to GO … to align heart and mind, to shine the inner Light …  to go and grow and Dream Awake!

Beloveds, as we choose to Dream Awake, each of us steps into
our Authentic Self and delivers to the world the ONE gift
— whatever this may be — that each and every one of us
has to share.

Not surprisingly, as we tap into the  energetic grids of Mother Earth, there is a great deal of excitement. We can all feel it.  The time is NOW.

Seed the New Earth

This is what we’ve been waiting for … it is Humanities time to shine.

The paradox is, if one looks outwardly, there still exists a dazzling display of dense energies to distract us from our brilliance.  These serve to bind the mind and enslave the soul, and are remnants of the Age of Illusion and Separation.  An age that brought the shadow of fear into our hearts, and is now dissolving to unveil an Age of Peace and Illumination.

This is why we are shifting our focus of World Gratitude to:


Enlightening the World with our Gifts of Gratitude

Why Enlightening?

This voiced intent and prayer has many layers. We’ll reveal two

Enlightening, especially the ‘-ing’ part, indicates a flow, a journey … and inward and onward progression of Love’s light into the world.  So rather than a destination, or limit … we are focusing on the process, the journey … the Present. NOW.

Next – think LEVERAGE.  Group dynamics.  ‘When two are gathered in my name’ …

Enlightening the World with our Gifts of Gratitude is akin to ‘shining our Light before all HumanKind’.  This is our time to thrive, Beloveds!  By choosing to do it together we magnetize ever present support, stabilize and ground our energetic presence and catalyze the manifestation of our Waking Dreams.

“I AM the Truth.  I AM the Way.  I AM the Light.”

These words call us to in the inner landscape, to remember each and every one of us is the Truth, the Way and the Light. No longer are we looking outside ourselves. We are these … and even greater. So it is and so it shall be!

Sacred Union-Oceanna

Beloveds, as we are entering the New Moon, preparing to celebrate Equinox and ready ourselves for another wave of World Gratitude we invite you to take a moment to breathe into your heart. Allow yourself to release all tension, and settle into the pregnant silence of being-ness.

In this space of all possibility …

Value and accept everything that you are. Love yourself wholly and completely. See your vast potential as here, present, available. Do something to celebrate this coming home to Self. This is a time to honor YOU for all that you are!

Thank you for joining us on this amazing journey.  Thank you for being a Light in this world and for choosing to Go Gratitude!  Remember, each and every one of us makes a difference.  That person is YOU!

Many blessings to all …

in Love, Light and Gratitude,

Stacey Robyn
and the ground crew of Go Gratitude!

P.S.  Even if you have joined World Gratitude in the past, this is a wonderful time to re-connect with our community,
leverage the power of collective focus and prepare for the Great-Full shift happyning Now!

To join this wave, go here:

Also, if you missed our most recent update, or prefer to read it online, it is available here:

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!