Astrological Energy Weather Report NATURE Real Life Story Saleena Ki World Event

Add Another Full SuperMoon with Intensifying Energies…

Aloha All, Another Full Super Moon approaching… energies are intensifying again…


This is a photo I took at the Equinox on the 19th of March.

(You have my permission to copy it and use it wherever you want for non-commercial purposes. It might be a very large file when you right click and save it. Just add my name with it, Saleena Ki, and link to this article or blog. Thank you. )

Does anyone feel like it has been 1,000s of years since the Equinox? 

Time is acting very strange.


I have been getting sleepy early, like 9:30pm, which is very strange for me. I can't remember going to sleep early for most of my adult life. Sleeping for hours then awake in the night reading or writing and asleep again right before dawn for more hours. Lots of dreaming. I have had some kind of acid stomach for several weeks. Tonight my mom says she has acid reflux going on and that always reminds me it might be a planetary phenomenon? Anyone else having difficulty digesting?


Another thing I notice is that my attention span is very short recently. As soon as I notice whatever I am doing is beginning to feel difficult, I just stop right in the middle of it and go do something else.


Since the first of this year it has been a string some of the most ongoing intense months of my whole life. I read somewhere that we reached a point of integration, in the perspective of souls that left Source and now we are dis-integrating. It certainly feels that way. Chaotic Nodes are in full force! The breakdown of the old is in full swing. I keep reminding myself that this is exactly what I have asked for and energized, the breakdown and release of the old systems on Earth and room for something new and harmonious and sustainable and renewable to emerge.


The revolution in Libya has turned into such a battle. It is such a stage set for the world to watch how propaganda is served up to the people. We watched a video where Gadaphi was telling his people about how he was working for peace while his tanks were out shooting the people! I just kept saying, can't they see what is goign on? There it is for us all to see just how he plays the people and lies to them. In your face! The people seem determined to win their freedom. I am using my imagination to see them through to their freedom.


The Japanese nuclear disaster is continuing and now it seems it is going to last long enough to really get everyones attention and to make a true difference. I am using my imagination to see a future where we are free from nuclear weapons and dangers of Nuclear power plants are gone, shut down. We are using free energy technology generating sustainable renewable energy that is non-toxic. My greatest desire is to see individuals and communities everywhere on Earth empowered to locally generate their own clean energy. This step is going to change much of what we know today about how energy is handled here on Earth.


On another side of it, I am able to shift gears faster whenever feelings of fear or worry or despair try to rise up in me or around me, I am able to shift into bliss by just breathing. I sometimes start to complain about something, and pretty soon I hear myself saying, "So what is there to be grateful for? What can I focus on that will bring me joy?" I am spending far less time entertaining the negative.


People is Japan are such an example of loving and peaceful interations even in the midst of such a disaterous event hitting them from so many angles. They seem to act with so much grace even in the chaos. I thank them for their example and I send them lots of love and hold the intention that they will find strength to find solutions and recreate something for themselves that is safe and harmonious with the energies of the New Earth.


Video about Super Moons

(if you are interested, though the date 1983 should be 1993)


Here are some Astrological insights:


Dear Friends,

Full Moon is Sunday, April 17at 8:45 PM Mountain Daylight Time.


This full moon has a reserved quality to it of taking life seriously and pulling your energy in rather than blowing it out to the ethers.


It is a time when we could see some people literally losing their minds because of the lack of boundaries around the physical plane.


The fertility of the month has accelerated the process of growth and evolution to such a degree that the mind can no longer track it in a linear way.


This will be disturbing to those that have a need to feel in control.


The best thing you can do during this time is to work with your own belief systems, aerating them and allowing for experiences to happen that do not make linear sense. 


It is your intentions that congeal the fluidity of the potential outcomes of the different parallels available.


So be specific in your prayers regarding how you want to feel not how you think it should look.


It is also important that you are with your own tribe, people who are on the same page as you with regards to life outlook and beliefs.


Beware of getting involved in drama or the desire to try and fix.


Be in nature if you can.




(suggested audio: How to Deal with Meltdowns) link here.





Written by Patricia Liles; 

contact her at



Full Moon:  Sun in Aries; Moon in Libra 27º
Sunday, April 17, 2011 8:45 PM MDT


Each sign is paired with its opposite in the zodiac and Full Moon is when we feel and see this polarity at its height. 


Of course, a SuperMoon only intensifies this effect, and all three of our Full Moons so far this year have been SuperMoons – closest to the Earth and in close alignment with the Sun and Earth. 


We will see this SuperMoon effect again in September, October, November*. 


Now, Libra is revealed in its fullness. 


As Aries brings the spark of creation into manifestation through the creation of Self, Libra marks the turning point of consciousness away from the self and towards relationship with Other creating partnership, cooperation, balance and harmony. 


Although, Libra is a masculine, air sign mental in its expression, it is ruled by feminine Venus and the refinement and appreciation of the social graces, study and practice of the arts, and the highest ethics of business and commerce are highlighted. 


Libra will tolerate no less, and when etiquette has been breached expect a whirlwind of dissatisfaction, 'an iron fist in a velvet glove' until harmony is again restored. 


Harmonization is its primary function and Libra rules the kidneys/lower back eliminating impurities.

Read more…

From the Power Path


About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!