Someone in the comments section of this video on YouTube called this song "humanity's anthem"…
I like this! Here is another comment worth passing on…thanks william…
"love allows continual creating to occur; it is constantly renewing itself, perpetually creating new forms and new experiences, that on the surface appear different, but when one reaches their essence through the dance, are experienced through bliss…da-na-ho-we-yo…it is said, it is good..namaste"..william
Saleena Ki: This video is episode 38 of a project called Playing for Change. I was delighted when I saw the first video they created. Brilliant idea coming true! They take one song and record it live with musicians from all over the world, live, playing together, singing together at the same time! What a way to weave us all together! I was thrilled to see this one… what an eternally potent song for us now, more than ever.
Last night we were watching a strange old movie on Hulu called, I'll Believe You
It is about Dale Sweeney (David Alan Basche), who is the host of his own radio show dedicated to discovering the unknown. It is his passion, his lifetime dream. Just as his radio show is about to be cancelled, he receives a mysterious call that is believed to be from another world! Also starring Ed Helms. Because he stays with his passionate dream, and supports everything that is happening even when he doesn't fully understand it, he changes the past and the future. I can't tell you more, in case you want to watch it.
At first it was so low budget, we almost turned it off, yet somehow we kept watching… something in it intrigued me and nudged me on… Funny how potent the story was to me and today, so many things it represented keep coming to my attention.
The power of one being's actions
to change everything backwards and forwards.
The courage it takes to keep doing what you love
even when everyone around you doesn't understand
or even makes fun of you.
How scared people have been conditioned to be
about something or someone that is
different than what they are used to,
like ETs or Star Beings,
or even people from
different countries or cultures.
So when I saw the Playing for Change / Imagine video today, and I saw John Lennon, who is in another dimension now, singing his song with all these musicians and singers all over our planet Earth from different places and cultures, all weaving the magic together and they were singing the song he wrote while he was alive…and co-creating something new. I got chills and felt very emotional. It was just like in the movie, I'll Believe You. You'll have to watch it to find out why…
“The conditions necessary for a paradigm shift to take place are threefold. Firstly, a growing dissatisfaction with the ruling paradigm of the present; secondly, the existence of an articulate and influential minority committed to change and, lastly, a climate of socio-economic turbulence and intellectual ferment or threat which underpins the urgent need for change”.
Rex Deus by Marilyn Hopkins, Graham Simmons & Tim Wallace-Murphy
Saleena: I love music and consider myself
an artist and a Bardess;
a modern day storyteller,
a troubadour who knows the
power of the
visual, written, spoken and sung story
to inspire and to create reality.
When I hear a song that resonates in me I love that it exists. I am so grateful to the artist, the storyteller for bringing it through. If I love it, sometimes when I sing it and there is a line or so that wobbles in me and I have to rewrite some of the lyrics to align with the reality I want to bring in, because I will sing that song over and over for awhile and I know it will create. I have written 100s of my own songs. I write a song about something I am passionate about, then I play and sing that song 100s of times and very few people ever hear them.
Why would I do such a strange thing?
I know the power music has
to create reality.
A catchy song from my heart gets me to create that vibration I desire by enticing me to sing it over and over. I know my songs have already had an effect on shaping this world. That is why I am so excited to receive a message from Ani Williams with a link to this amazing project: Return of the Troubadour that she is part of dreaming in. I met Ani in Sedona, Arizona sometime in the mid '90s at a Wild Women Retreat. I played her music, Sisters of the Dream over and over for several years to anchor in the kind of Divine Feminine consciousness she and Lisa Theil were singing about. She is a muse; a storyteller with her crystal clear voice and her harp. Thank you Ani for sharing this and for helping to dream this in….
So back to my discovery…
Return of the Troubadour:
(Mouse-over the picture)
"At this unique time in the history of our planet, we need to find common ground with all peoples of the earth. As “Playing for Change” so beautifully illustrates, music is a common ground where everyone can meet. We feel it is the musician, artist and creative soul who can help guide humanity’s vision for the future. These guiding principles should not be in the hands of our politicians and corporations.
Every community in the world knows in its heart how to live harmoniously, but those that wield power, or seek to acquire it, do not usually give precedence to the common good. We need a new paradigm of living to step into, and who better to help define this than the Troubadours of our time.
The Troubadours must rise again!"
"Art, music, literature, and film can set us free –
free from the illusion that
we are powerless to transform
the quality of life on earth.
We believe that we,
as both individuals and as a whole,
can make a difference in our world."
read more About how this project got started…
"Human beings are more than cogs in a machine.
If we explore our potential together,
every person can discover that
spark of light within them
burns brighter than a thousand suns!
We can each play a transformative role
as we make our way back home."
Song Contest
Saleena: So they are sponsoring a contest:... I see that maybe one or two will "win" the contest. I see that they are already inspiring many to write more songs to inspire our world, our fellow humans, to change our reality into something based on love and move past fear and lack. to live in harmony and move past the era of destruction and carelessness. To awaken and fan the flames of the potential creative power within each of us for we are a piece of what some call God or Creator. We are the ones embodied on the Earth stage, in the experiment, discovering ourself. So we will all win! Who knows, maybe I will submit a song…
"Even in eras of human descent
Music strives to ascend.Whether the sublime focus of Handel,
Or the moving rhythm and honesty of blues and rock —
Music makes a difference.It can inspire, excite, and define momentous changes.
It can unite individually or collectively.
It has no limitations.This contest seeks that next great work of music –
One grounded in the moment but soaring with vision.A song that brings a light into darkness.
All troubadours are invited to participate in this song contest"… read more.