This Gulf of Mexico "leak" is
gushing approx. 90.000 barrels of oil!
That is more than 3 MILLION GALLONS A DAY!!!
I'll call it what it is; a GUSH & an Bold Opportunity…
"This is more than an accident. We have to really think of what we are doing. It is a wake-up call for all." Veronique
Saleena: This is a significant opportunity for us to WAKE UP! Wake up to the powers we have within us as God Sparks. The energies of the COSMOS. at many levels, are aligning, pushing us out of the nest of forgetfulness into a place of very bright light.
Support is all around us & in us. Everyday more and more light & love reveals itself to afford us this
Quantum Leap Evolutionary Opportunity
for the Greatest Change of ALL AGES;
out of duality into
All the exploration of duality, along with the spiritual work we have done up to this point is bringing us around to face ourselves. And now we get to align literally as Earth. Bodies made of Earth, living on Earth and it is time to pay attention to our bodies and to our Mother Earth's body.
I am going to quote something again that I feel is really important about the time period we are in. This is from a transcript of our Omni-D Adventure with Wolves & Whales; Healing the Leak
Wolves say: “Between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, there is a ripe period in time. It is a thin slice like the sliver of the moon just after the new moon. It is a time when songs and thoughts and feelings count. This is more serious than you know.”
“In this sliver of time,
you must align with the Earth.
If you meditate or sing to hear the Earth,
then do this.
The Earth must hit a very special frequency
to align with the gate in the heavens.
It is as though two points of a triangle are merging.
Heaven and Earth are merging.
They are both very strong powers.
If one is stronger than other,
then imbalance (destruction)
is created through their union.”
Wolves say again:
You Must Align with the Earth.
Saleena says: There are at least seven big wolves that have come around me… they are circling me in an affectionate way…. they keep looking at me with very intense eyes…. one comes close and rubs against me to show affection… another wags his tail and looks at me to acknowledge we know each other…. The black one has golden or amber eyes…..
He repeats again: “The Earth must hit a very special frequency to align with the gate in the heavens. It is as though two points of a triangle are merging. Heaven and Earth are merging. They are both very strong powers.”
Saleena says: What is the third point?
Wolves talk together with one voice: “If one is stronger than other, then imbalance (destruction) is created through their union.”
He points me to Julia’s message, “About Love & the Heart”
“We become aware of our future angelic self,
which is an impossibly (but possible)
beautiful future that is a flow between
the present and perceived.
Like strands of rainbow light,
when we learn to tap into
our heart space for guidance,
the light guides us,
illuminating our momentarily actions
with insight.”
Rest of the Story: Omni-D Adventure with Wolves & Whales; Healing the Leak
For the rest of the wolves message: Wolf Song
Saleena; In the midsts of all this AMAZING POTENTIAL, CHANGE & CHAOS I thought it might be helpful to offer some suggestions & possibilities for you to focus your attentions & creative powers on. And remember what the wolves said, "Like strands of rainbow light, when we learn to tap into our heart space for guidance, the light guides us, illuminating our momentarily actions with insight.”
"Do you realize that they
(all the events on earth)
are not just happening?
They are reflecting you.
You are who and what is imbalanced.
As the wolves, the teacher, we will say that
it is you.
What will you do with your body when more changes come?
Nature loves you, even if you have forgotten.
It is awakening to this love that will sing the planet into harmony.
Your senses awaken when you find it.
Suddenly, the plants look beautiful,
or you notice that something smells wonderful.
We ask you to remember to dream with your body.
With the Gulf of Mexico Oil Gush happening,
we all have the opportunity
on many levels
to wake up more;
To learn from this &
assist in changing our reality into something
that includes expanded vision & understanding,
responsible actions aligning with
supporting the protection and respect of ALL Life.
It is time to forgive,
reach out to each other
in love & co-operate
to co-create what we desire.
Truth is Being Revealed: Oil GUSH
It is coming to light day by day the irresponsible actions of the oil company, BP, who owns the oil rig where the gush is happening. We get the opportunity to understand what is happening concerning the whole deep water oil drilling practice and to add our intentions, actions and voice to the future we want to create.
Every day Marimar reports to me the astonishing revelations. From the beginning they attempted to hide & diminish the facts by controlling the media reports. Starting by calling it a "spill" and claiming it was only "leaking" 5,000 gallons of our Mother Earth's precious oil.
Hey, Wake Up!
Now scientist are estimating
this "leak" is gushing 90.000 barrels of oil!

Into a very delicate environment; our ocean which is filled with life and intimately interconnected to land. To our homes, our environments. All life that has a right to live in clear and clean environment.
So many environments are vulnerable to this destruction. Already so much damage is done. Here are a few Videos:
Warning: Very Strong Language is used in this video. Do not watch this if you are offended by it… she is repeating the way the oil rig workers talk…
BP Fails Booming School 101 Gulf Oil Spill
Obama's Oil Spill Commission, BP & DC Too "Cozy"
May 22, 2010 — President Obama announces that he has signed an executive order establishing the bipartisan National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling with former two-term Florida Governor and former Senator Bob Graham and former Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency William K. Reilly serving as co-chairs.
Boat captain Preston Morris again displays his oiled hands while collecting surface samples from the marsh in Pass a Loutre, Louisiana, on May 19.
"The catastrophic explosion that caused an oil spill from a BP offshore drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico has reached the shoreline early Friday morning. The leak is currently releasing 5,000 (Saleena: This was the first reports, now it is up to 90,000) barrels of oil per day, and efforts to manage the spill with controlled burning, dispersal and plugging the leak were unsuccessful Thursday. (Saleena: One month later it is gushing) This oil spill is on track to become the worst oil spill in history, (Saleena: It is NOW the WORST in history) surpassing the damage done by the Exxon Valdez tanker that spilled 11 million gallons of oil into the ecologically sensitive Prince William Sound in 1989. Unlike the Exxon Valdez tragedy, in which a tanker held a finite capacity of oil, BP's rig is tapped into an underwater oil well and could pump more oil into the ocean indefinitely until the leak is plugged.
Here are some of the first photos
of the preparations for the oil hitting coastlines,
which pose a serious threat to fishermen's livelihoods,
marine habitats, beaches, wildlife and human health.



Feeling sick or angry yet?
I was…
I had to take a deep breath
& remind myself to do Ho'oponopono,
Unconditionally Love & forgive myself;
whatever part of myself
created this expression in my reality.
Then get back in my heart & ask;
"Is Anything Positive Coming of This?"
We have been intently watching this from every angle possible. We encourage each of you to be responsible, listen and act from your own higher self & heart's guidance.
What we notice is whatever is in the consensus subconscious is acted out on the Earth Stage. All together we have made enough changes that it seems to be time for the "elite's" irresponsible uncaring corporate practices of ignoring "for the good of all" & focusing only on individual monetary gain and power to be revealed & challenged. That is positive news.
Some difficult news is that it might be part of a greater plan to move this oil onto the shores of certain places where those who have money, political voice and power to protest, will get upset enough to use their influence to change the current policies regarding oil. It is going to take the cooperation of many nature forces and forces beyond our sight at the moment to move this kind of senario into place.
Some more positive news is that none of us are victims. We have power within us to make changes. Many people are really angry! Some are crying. Some are feeling more helpless than ever, and MANY are stepping forward and sharing their ideas.
Let's Get Going!
Speaking of wolves, Kevin Costner, who played an amazing part in the movie "Dances with Wolves" is stepping forward & offering a new technology to help with cleaning the oil from the ocean. This machine separates oil from water at 200 gals/minute.
He is part of a much greater movement of creatives & inventors who have already begun to bring forth new technologies. We are on the brink of this… when we are ready, the doors will open and we will see we already have many solutions for cleaning and clearing up the pollution and bringing our Earth back into balance.
I see MANY organizing group actions to co-create the changes we are inspired to promote. I am delighted with the spirit of loving cooperation & unity that is emerging during so many "disasters." During this chaotic time so many are gathering together to "vote" in a new way of living together on this Earth. Many are being creative and coming up with suggestions, ideas, inventions & actions to take us to a new level We have been asleep for a long time.
We are waking up!
My inbox is filled with emails; invitations, messages, ideas, group meditations & transmissions. I have shared many in this blog already.
If you intend to assist
magical & miraculous ways
will present themselves to you.
Here is ONE way to Participate:
Hold Love & Divine Perfection for Earth & Gulf of Mexico
Marilyn Edwards from Awakening to Grace is offering an ongoing Focused Weekly Group Consciousness Session
"Join together to hold a loving, healing space for the Earth with special emphasis on the Gulf of Mexico
I think it is more and more evident why we need to focus love and attention on the Gulf. The situation with the oil spill is a reflection of our consciousness. We can work to bring love to it and release anything in ourselves that helped create it so that we can create harmoniously from the heart.
This is the 3rd session in a series. On May 7th the Nature Spirits asked that we continue this work for at least 90 days.
Holding with Love
a vision of a pristine and perfect
Gulf of Mexico
each day for at least 5 minutes
in addition to the weekly meditation and sessions.
Can you help?
We are now in the times of freeing ourselves
from our ancestral past
and the old paradigm
that has been prevailing on Earth.
There is no more waiting,
we are in it full blown now.
It is time to recognize ourselves
for the Masters we are
and erase the illusion
that keeps us from
living in Heart centered harmony.
The intention of this event is to bring love and support to the Earth with a special emphasis on manifesting the highest vision for the Gulf Of Mexico. You don't need to be present or able to attend at the specified time to benefit, you may set your intention to be present in Spirit.
You are a Master
We are intricately entwined with the Earth;
what is happening is a
reflection of our consciousness,
we are all One.
Sometimes this reflection is ancestral or subconscious. This session is to help release our old memories & blocks so that we can hold a vision of the Earth inspired by our highest light.
People working together
and interested in
improving their connection to Nature
can change things.
Saleena: These are quotes from one of Marilyn's past events: I thought they were powerful enough thoughts to share. They also reflect her continuing intentions for subsequent sessions:
Our Beliefs
"There is evidence that we really can heal our Mother Earth through intent, love, and the action of scientific prayer." Check out The Global Coherance Initiative.
Princeton University’s PEAR research has also revealed how our consciousness can affect our reality. But there is one ingredient that is crucially important in changing our current reality.
That ingredient is belief.
Our belief systems can stop us.
If you can’t believe in it
and hold the vision it won’t work.
Many of the beliefs that stop us
are subconscious or so entrenched
we don’t recognize them
for what they are,
This is why I am offering the free long distance healing session below.
There is power in prayer and holding love in your hearts to help create a new and healthy earth. In this healing session we will hold prayer for the water of our oceans and specifically the Gulf of Mexico.
The reason I have chosen to focus on the Gulf of Mexico at this time is that this situation has the potential to harm all of earth’s ocean if the spill is not contained. If you have noticed the press on this subject, every thing has been understated and then later the seriousness of it is upgraded.
Oil Rig Perspective
I worked on the ocean and around oil rigs for 12 years….I have seen the damage that happens just from normal drilling operations. I have also seen first hand the negligence of the oil companies in maintaining offshore wells after they have been capped and are no longer useful. I think this is important to address. All the money in the world will not keep life on this planet if our oceans are devastated.
In using the model of quantum physics in healing we work with something called “downward causation”. This is based on working with the energy of probabilities and shifting things on that level. They then filter down into the physical.
While I believe it is beneficial
to take physical action,
it is more effective if we
change the consciousness behind it first
so that we do not continue
to create the same problems.
Offer Support to the Gulf of Mexico & all Life there
Gain Wisdom – Co-Create in Harmony with the Earth
Support the Consciousness of Water with Love
Support Each Other
Open Your Hearts to Nature
Help Create a New Paradigm of Living
1. Unite Together – we will use the power of group consciousness
2. Remove Energies which keep us from effectively holding the vision of highest good for the Gulf and our oceans – if we have fear or anger in our hearts or subconscious, we can not hold the highest vision effectively. Sometimes even the history of our ancestry will prevent this, without our realizing it. The SCIO session will be to identify and help release anything that may keep the group from being most effective.
3. Align ourselves with that highest vision through Heart Centered awareness –
It is not about us deciding what that is, but about getting out of our own way, so that we can be clear channels for a higher vision of love. It is about clearing our circuits, listening and then acting. The action can be a prayer, a letter to your congressman, whatever you are lead to do will be your part in helping to create something new. This can be different for each person in the group, but the vision is the same, a healthy earth.
4. Prayer for Water – special prayer to water prepared with water from the Atlantic Ocean. I live very near the water….. I will take some water from the ocean and we will charge it with our love and prayers and the energy of the session. I will then return that water to the ocean with thanks and gratitude for all the ocean does for us. If you live near the ocean you can do the same, but your intention will also be in the water that I will be preparing.
Celebrate Our Beautiful Earth!
“There are two ways to live life.
One as though nothing is a miracle.
Two as if everything is!”
Albert Einstein
Message from the White Animals:
Gulf Coast Oil Spill — Sioux Prayer Request
A letter from Chief Arvol Looking Horse; Present Chief and Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe of the Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Nation of the Sioux
****** A Great Urgency ******
******To All World Religious and Spiritual Leaders ******
"My Relatives,
Time has come to speak to the hearts of our Nations and their Leaders. I ask you this from the bottom of my heart, to come together from the Spirit of your Nations in prayer.
We, from the heart of Turtle Island, have a great message for the World; we are guided to speak from all the White Animals showing their sacred color, which have been signs for us to pray for the sacred life of all things. As I am sending this message to you, many Animal Nations are being threatened, those that swim, those that crawl, those that fly, and the plant Nations, eventually all will be affect from the oil disaster in the Gulf.
The dangers we are faced with at this time are not of spirit. The catastrophe that has happened with the oil spill which looks like the bleeding of Grandmother Earth, is made by human mistakes, mistakes that we cannot afford to continue to make.
I asked, as Spiritual Leaders, that we join together, united in prayer with the whole of our Global Communities. My concern is these serious issues will continue to worsen, as a domino effect that our Ancestors have warned us of in their Prophecies.
I know in my heart there are millions of people that feel our united prayers for the sake of our Grandmother Earth are long overdue. I believe we as Spiritual people must gather ourselves and focus our thoughts and prayers to allow the healing of the many wounds that have been inflicted on the Earth. As we honor the Cycle of Life, let us call for Prayer circles globally to assist in healing Grandmother Earth (our Unc'I Maka).
We ask for prayers that the oil spill,
this bleeding, will stop.
That the winds stay calm to assist in the work.
Pray for the people to be guided
in repairing this mistake,
and that we may also seek
to live in harmony,
as we make the choice
to change the destructive path we are on.
As we pray, we will fully understand that we are all connected. And that what we create can have lasting effects on all life.
So let us unite spiritually,
All Nations, All Faiths, One Prayer.
Along with this immediate effort, I also ask to please remember June 21st, World Peace and Prayer Day/Honoring Sacred Sites day. Whether it is a natural site, a temple, a church, a synagogue or just your own sacred space, let us make a prayer for all life, for good decision making by our Nations, for our children's future and well-being, and the generations to come.
Onipikte (that we shall live),
Chief Arvol Looking Horse
19th generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe
"This is more than an accident.
We have to really think of what we are doing.
It is a wake-up call for all." Veronique