Received 2009-12-24 through Saleena Ki from Belees, the Arcturian:
Belees: Aloha Saleena, You have been a busy woman! Assisting to bring in a new Universe! We are so very very happy that this has happened.
It is a monumental accomplishment & co-creation amongst so many races.
This is the first time that such a vast section of beings from the old universe & outside of it have reached out together & co-operated to create something so very magnificent.
Evolution will speed up as the new Universe develops & grows within the old.
This is going to make the crossing from the world of duality & polarity into a higher dimensional reality much quicker & easier. Unless one is determined to hold tight to that path then it will be as easy as metal being drawn to a magnet.
We have remained somewhat quiet for a time until you have had time to integrate some very intense levels of energy-vibrations to assist in the establishment of the new universe’s parameters.
Earth is a unique place, in that what ever is created here informs very quickly into the whole universe, the whole of creation. It was designed that way.
So we are holding space for you on earth to evolve certain energies to set them forth into this new creation. We are always aware of you, even when you are unaware of us. We respect your evolution & path you chose when you came to this earth. We love you all & appreciate your courage & tenacity to choose to take this kind of evolutionary leap.
With the advent of this new universe, there will be many phenomenons that will change…we will allow some time for you to discover what these might be…
One hint is that sound & tonal frequencies are going to act differently & be used in a much expanded way from what you are familiar with.
Many new discoveries will appear constantly in your sciences. Researchers, inventors, explorers, musicians & artists; they will all begin to bring in up some very new & unique ideas. This has to do with the new universe’s new archetypal library & the new information pool to draw your reality from. Once this was transmitted into the earth plane… the fun began!
Already things are beginning to shift & rearrange for many.
That which was held as long time hopes & dreams will begin to more easily take form.
As you can guess, this is another message from our new Universe…. You are going to have fun receiving these. There are many who will be guests on your channel… we hope you find a way to share these regularly with the world. They will be refreshing & informing. They are also a way for new creation & co-creation to occur.